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Some of the words which were first noted in Shakespeare's work are eyeball, assassination and puke.

The attached link has a long list of words that he has invented on it.

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Q: What three words did Shakespeare invent?
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Which 3 words did shakespeare invent?

Shakespeare invented a lot more than three words. Some of the ones he did invent are eyeball, assassination and superflux (OK, that last one didn't exactly take off).

How many words did Shakespeare know and use and how did he invent them?

none what so ever

What two words that you still use did Shakespeare invent?

Assassination and eyeball spring to mind.

What are three words probably coined by shakespeare?

to be or not to be

Did shakespeare invent some of the words you use today?

He invented over this many wordsYes, "eyeball" for example.

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Did Shakespeare invent Brutus?

No, Shakespeare did not invent Marcus Brutus. He was a real person who really participated in the assasssination of Julius Caesar.

Shakespeare invent the play Romeo and Juliet?

Shakespeare certainly wrote the play Romeo and Juliet, unless you subscribe to the theory that someone else wrote all of his plays under his name. Shakespeare did not invent the plot of Romeo and Juliet, but then Shakespeare did not invent any of his plots.

Did William Shakespeare invent the violin?

No, he did not.

Did William Shakespeare invent words and phrases?

yes during hes time on earth he introduced over 2000 new words to the English language

Did Shakespeare invent the word gloomy?

No. Christopher Marlowe did, although Shakespeare used it three times in his early plays and poems. Marlowe was very fond of this word and used it 17 times.

Did Shakespeare invent the word lonely?

no he didnt