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The minute hand will be at 12 and the hour hand will be at 2. Between 2 and 3 o'clock, the minute hand moves faster, so it will reach the 7 position first, while the hour hand will still be approaching the 2 position.

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Q: What time between 2 and 3 o' clock do the minute hand and the hour hand is on 7 Explain?
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Which has more momentum a second hand on a clock or a minute hand on a clock?

the second hand

What is the minute hand on the clock?

The long hand

Which hand on a clock is the minute hand?

It is the long hand.

What Angle do the hour hand and the minute hand make when it is six o' clock?

The full circle of the clock is 360 degrees. The distance between any two figures on the clock is therefore 360 ./. 12 = 30 degrees. When it's 6 o'clock there are six figures between the hour hand and the minute hand, so 6 x 30 = 180 degrees.

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What is the time period of the minute hand on a clock?

The time period of a nimute hand on the clock is one minute since it takes a minute for it to complete one oscillation, ie., one complete cycle of the clock.

Method of finding the acute angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 4 PM?

Each minute on the clock is 1/60 of the 360 degree circle or 6 degrees. There are 20 minute lines between 12 and 4 therefore, 20 times 6 is 120 degrees.

How many degrees does the minute hand of a clock turn in 1 hour?

The minute hand of a clock turns about 360 degrees each hour.

How to Solve The acute angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 4 PM. Ans given 1200.?


What is a minute hand on a clock?

The minute hand is the largest hand on most analogue clocks. At 3 o'clock on a 12-hour clock, the minute hand is pointing straight up to the 12. It measures time to the nearest minute by advancing one of the small minute hash marks every 60 seconds. Every time the second hand makes one full sweep of the clock face, the minute hand advances one of the minute marks. The second hand is the fastest moving hand on a standard analogue clock, making one full sweep every 60 seconds.

Is there another word for clock hands?

Hour hand and minute hand.

Who invented the minute hand and hour hand?

Whoever invented the clock.