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Q: What time is equal to twelve o'clock at night?
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At what time of year are the earth's day and night equal?


When the globe completes one rotation is it day or night?

It is all relative to several factors. Most specifically: when you start measuring. By conventional standards, the idea that you are using a standard clock based on GMT, it is night time. More specifically twelve midnight, the only time at which all points on the globe are on the same calendar day.

Why is it day time here but night time at Paris?

Because the earth is constantly orbiting around the sun, certain parts will get sunshine while others will be on the 'dark side' - experiencing the night, until the earth spins again, and they pass through the sunlight. It takes approximately twenty four hours for the earth to complete one revolution, or 'day', meaning that at some point one half of the world is experiencing twelve hours of night while the other half is experiencing twelve hours of day. Evidently, the scenario you are talking about is where the halfway point is between the two countries.

Where is the sun when there is a equinox and how is the day and night time compare at that time?

The sun is at the celestial equator, appearing to go Northwards at the vernal equinox and southwards at the autumnal equinox. The word equinox derives from the Latin roots for "equal" and "night" and so, not surprisingly, the night time is the same as day time: 12 hours each.

How can you prove that the earth rotates on its axis?

we can prove that the earth rotates on its axis because we experience day time and night time/their is a change from day time to night time / night time to day time....

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