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The nervous system conducts electrical signals from one structure to another. For example from the brain to the muscles for movement.

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Nervous tissue

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Q: What tissue is specialized to conduct electrical signals from one structure in the body to another structure?
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Yes, metal can conduct electricity because it contains mobile free electrons that can move freely across its structure, allowing the flow of electrical current. Metals are widely used in electrical wiring and circuit components because of their high conductivity.

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Uranium is a metal with relatively low electrical conductivity compared to other metals. It is considered a poor conductor of electricity due to its crystalline structure and electronic configuration. However, uranium can still conduct electricity to some extent.

How does the body conduct an electrical current?

The human body is over 70 percent water. The electron transfer that is the fundamental part of an electrical current uses ions dissolved in solution to conduct the electrical current.

Is glass a conductor or insulator of thermal or electrical energy?

Glass is an insulator of both energies. It does not conduct thermal energy because only it's surface warms up. It does not conduct electrical energy because its atoms do not have free electrons, which cause this process in metals.

Can cotton conduct electricity?

Cotton is not a good conductor of electricity. Its fibrous structure and high resistance make it difficult for electrical current to pass through. However, if treated with certain chemicals or additives, cotton can be made conductive to some degree.

Would rubber be considered a conductor or an insulator?

Rubber is an insulator. It does not conduct electricity well because its molecular structure does not allow electrons to move freely. This property makes rubber useful for insulating electrical wires and preventing electrical currents from passing through.