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Q: What to do for inhaling gasoline accidentally?
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Does inhaling gasoline kill brain cells?

Inhaling gasoline can cause a range of health effects, including dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Prolonged exposure to gasoline fumes can lead to damage to the nervous system, including the brain, but it is unlikely to kill brain cells immediately from a single short exposure. However, regular or chronic exposure to gasoline fumes can have serious long-term consequences for brain health.

Is accidentally inhaling nail polish safe during pregnancy?

You can safely paint your nails during pregnancy.

What could happen if you accidentally sniff moth balls?

If you accidentally sniff moth balls for a short period of time you should be okay. Moth balls are pesticides and very harmful if you are constantly inhaling it.

How can you clear your lungs from inhaling tea tree oil accidentally?

If you are having trouble breathing, see a doctor or go to the emergency room.

Can acid inhalation cause nose bleeds?

Yes, my roommate got a nose bleed from accidentally inhaling acid from her chemistry lab.

Can inhaling kerosene cause cancer?

Kerosene= gasoline. YES!!!! Just go to a gas station. They have a sign on the gas pump.

How do chipmunks breathe?

By inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling,inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling,inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling.........and crapping...........................

What should you do if you Accidentally swallow fuel?

Ipecac, my friend (it'll induce the body to vomit). Since gasoline will burn and eat your insides

If diesel fuel instead of gasoline was used accidentally would filling station insurance company be responsible?

If they filled the vehicle, sure.

Is silicosis is a result of inhaling asbestos?

No, silicosis is the result of inhaling silica. Asbestosis is the result of inhaling asbestos.

Is is inhaling or exhaling when the air is pulled into the lungs?


What is exhaling and inhaling?

Inhaling is the process of taking air into the lungs. Exhaling is the process of releasing air out of the lungs. These actions are part of the respiratory system and are essential for bringing oxygen into the body and removing carbon dioxide.