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Treatment for an infected belly button ring:

Even if after all your care, your belly button ring still gets infected then you should treat it immediately and very seriously.

- The first thing you might think of doing is removing the belly ring. But if the navel is discharging pus, DO NOT remove the belly button ring. If the ring is removed, the hole of the piercing will shut and the pus will not be able to drain out properly. This can result in a very painful abscess.

An abscess is a type of infection caught under the skin. Symptoms of an abscess include pain, swelling, and darkening and hardening of the tissue surrounding the piercing. An abscess can generally be treated by oral antibiotics, but in some cases it may need surgical removal.

Sometimes an abscess may form even if the infected belly button ring is not taken out, mainly if the piercing is very swollen or the belly ring is very tight around the piercing. In such a case it may be advisable to change your belly ring and use one with a thinner gauge.

- To increase blood circulation to the pierced navel and allow the infection to drain, a hot compress should be used. Soaking the piercing in hot salt water is also very beneficial. Use � teaspoon table salt in 8 ounces of water. (Epsom salts cannot be used as they are not the same as sea or table salts). The container used for the soaking should be thoroughly disinfected. Hot compresses should be disposable and preferably made from clean disposable materials such as cotton balls and gauge bandages.

- Over-the-counter antiseptic creams can be used in treating mild infection. But these should not be used for an extensive period of time or for any puncture wound.

- Hydrogen peroxide can be used for draining pus and clearing the infection around the belly button ring. Not to be used for aftercare though.

- In case of a systemic infection (when bacteria and toxins spread throughout the body via the bloodstream) treatment should be immediate as this type of infection can be fatal. Standard treatment requires oral and intravenous antibiotics.

Any infection that does not clear within a few days, or an abscess should be shown to a certified medical practitioner. In some cases the infection can be cured and the piercing is just fine. In others, because of the infection the hole may close and you have to get another piercing done. This does not mean you can never have a belly ring. It just means that you need to let your belly button heal and then try again. In the end, it�s going to be worth the trouble!

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16y ago
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15y ago

You should remove the earings or ring in your belly if the infection is severe.That is if its already swollen or edematous or inflamed. You should clean the area thoroughly to remove dead skin. If it is not totally inflamed, you should clean it regularly without removing the earings.It is always a scenarion for unsterile puncture. If it is painful a pain reliever may be taken. For severe infection, you may need an antibiotic to stop it.

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16y ago

Use a shot glass (or similar small receptacle) to soak the piercing area with a sea salt solution for a minute or so two to three times daily.

This will draw out the infection, and allow the skin to heal. Following that up with a touch of Neosporin or a similar wound ointment might not hurt either.

Aside from that, keep the area dry and covered! The less it's in contact with your clothing, your hands, and any moisture, the better! If you can get a piece of gauze over the area, that would be good, but because of the awkward location of the navel, you may not be able to do that.

If not, just try to wear loose fitting clothing that will fall away from your tummy (and off your infection!) until the area heals.

If you're good about doing this, you should see it clearing up nicely within just a few days.

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12y ago

Go see a doctor. If its actually infected, they'll give you some antibiotics that'll help clear up the infection much faster. Then, keep cleaning it with a natural sea salt and water mixture. If you want, you can wash with an antibacterial soap but no more than 3 times a week. Make sure to keep your hands off of the piercing and maybe cover it with something to prevent anything from touching it and making it dirtier. Don't go swimming and take showers instead of baths. Make sure that you're wearing either titanium, surgical steel, or glass in the piercing. Don't wear anything acrylic, even the balls. Just keep healthy in general and stay away from sick people! :)

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13y ago

Go to a doctor and get some antibiotics. Then switch the jewelry to either surgical steel, titanium, or glass. Clean it with natural sea salt and water. Put a pinch of sea salt into a shot glass of warm water and soak your piercing with that. Rinse it off after and dry it off. Soak for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. You can use anti-microbial soap every 2-3 days but stop if it gets too drying. Don't touch it and keep soap out of it.

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14y ago

Well your quest should have taken you back to your piercer. They will best be able to tell you if it's infected or just annoyed. Following your aftercare instructions daily and washing your piercing is the only way to clean out and fix and infected piercing.

Ignoring your piercing is just about the worst thing you can do and over treating it with needless agents and cleaners is the second worst thing you can do. Clean your piercing once a day under warm running water and leave it alone. Do this daily and skip all the solutions, salt, cleaners and such, just running water and leave it alone. Keep you dirty fingers off it during the day time, it's a piercing not a play toy.

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13y ago

First of all: Reflect on why you got it in the first place. Then remove it and use rubbing alcohol on it and neosporin on it every day until it is gone. LOL IDK HOW TO TREAT IT!

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Q: What to do if you have a infected belly piercing?
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What do you do if belly button piercing get infected?

Go to your doctor.

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go to your doctor to make sure its not infected

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That means it is infected. Go see a doctor as soon as you can.

Is it normal for the top of a belly button piercing to be black?

Not usually. It could either be infected or its just the belly button ring you are using.

What is some basic information about belly button piercing?

A belly button piercing can be a lot of fun, but it must be kept absolutely clean. It is a piercing that is easily infected, and when it does get infected, it's pretty bad. After getting pierced, clean the area twice a day (as well as after the shower, after swimming in the beach, etc). Also know that after the belly button ring is removed, there will be a small scar that can stretch (permanently) during pregnancy.

What are the chances of dying from a infected belly button piercing?

There are no specific odds of getting your belly button piercing infected. The odds of getting your belly button piercing infected go way down if you wait until the piercing is healed before you go swimming. It is important it does get infected that you see medical treatment immediately.

What should you put on an infected belly piercing?

Start with reading the "Related Links" I have posted below, once you have read them you should be able to fix your piercing issue.

The bottom Of your belly Piercing is full of pus and when you go to clean it the pus is a yellowish green color is the piercing infected?

Not at all - because you went to a reputable piercing salon, your belly ring is just secreting anti-microbial compounds to prevent such an infection from happening. Good call.

Is your belly piercing infected if it has a big ball in your belly butten?

Signs of an infected piercing Redness, discharge of green puss, swelling, tenderness and possible warm to the touch. The quickest way to resolve an infected piercing is to irrigate the piercing under warm running water while moving the jewellery back and forth through the piercing allowing the water to rinse the jewellery off. If you are using after care products to clean your piercing cease using all of them (this way we can find out if the aftercare product is causing the problem). Irrigating the piercing twice a day under warm water while moving the jewellery will rinse the puss and other matter out of the piercing. Once you have completed the rinsing, dry the piercing with clean tissue and leave it alone, don't apply anything else to the piercing. This should resolve and infected piercing within 24 to 48 hours.

What do you do about a belly button ring infecton?

uhhh seriously? go to the doctor an infection is serious! that's why im extra careful with my lip piercing because i don't wanna end up in the moms friends belly button piercing got infected from whereing sweaters i guess the thread stuff from the sweater kept getting in her piercing and eventually got it infected he belly button looked like a big huge lump n was nasty

What is the meaning of a belly piercing?

A belly piercing is a piercing on the belly button. Where your belly button might go in or out, it is the slight arch you get just above it. it is a piercing through that area. depending on how your belly button is formed. Search google for images.