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If you're sure that this pain isn't major and it's not a medical emergency, here are some tips you can take to reduce or eliminate the pain.

1) Go to the bathroom. Even if you don't have the 'urge', your body knows that when you're there, it's time for it to get rid of what it no longer needs. Your stomachache could be anything from constipation to gas. Even if it's not, having too much food in your stomach does cause stomach pain, and going to the restroom can help speed up the digestion process. Even if you don't think it's working, repeat this step several times every fifteen minutes or so.

2) Lay down. While this might seem cliche, resting is a good way for your body to focus on the pain and help reduce it.

3) Lower stress. If there's something that's not very active that you enjoy, like reading, watching television, or playing a computer game, do it. It lowers stress, which could be causing tension and pain, and it will give you a chance to forget about the pain in your stomach.

4) If you need to vomit, vomit. If your body wants to expel something from your stomach, let it do so. If you're pretty sure that you're going to vomit, hang out by a toilet or other area where you will be able to vomit and easily clean up the mess. Stay away from smells that might upset your stomach further, like cooking food. If your trash bag has a scent, it may upset your stomach more.

Be sure that your pain isn't a medical emergency, and if the pain doesn't go away for a long period of time, get medical help.


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