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A broad spectrum antibiotic like la-200 or biomycin. These are injectables. You could also give the calf an antibiotic bolus instead of the injectable antibiotic. Also spray the navel with gentle iodine.

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Q: What to give a calf with umbilical infection?
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Related questions

How long does it take for the umbilical cord to fall off a baby calf?

The umbilical cord is ruptured when the calf is born. The remainder of the umbilical cord will fall off the calf after a few days.

How long does it take for the umbilical cord to fall off the baby?

The umbilical cord is ruptured when the calf is born. The remainder of the umbilical cord will fall off the calf after a few days.

Is a calf born with an umbilical cord?


What is wrong with a newborn calf that loses its hair?

Calves with some sort of infection, like Joint Ill or Navel Ill, will loose their hair. It is imperative that you give the calf necessary antibiotics to help him fight off the infection.

Do calves have umbilical cords?

Only when they are in their dams' wombs. When born, the umbilical cord is torn off from the calf and the rest remains attached to the placenta in the cow. What is left of the cord on the calf shrivels up and falls off within a matter of a few days.

When a cow has a calf does the calf have an umbilical cord?

In the womb, yes, just like all mammal fetuses do. When the calf is born, the umbilical cord breaks and the placenta is expelled.

What happens if a baby calf's umbilical cord falls off early?

Please define "early." Are you referring to the umbilical cord falling off pre-birth or post-partum? If it's the latter, that's completely normal, and nothing to worry about. If it's the former, the calf's chances of survival in the womb for a long period of time is greatly reduced if you don't pull the calf out immediately.

Why does calf still have diarrhea nursing on cow?

Diarrhea, or scours, occurs if there's a digestive upset the calf is experiencing, such as from bacterial or viral infection or coccidial infection. Anything, really, can cause a calf to scour, whether it's environmental stressers or parasites or, as mentioned, exposure to bacteria in the gut. Either way, the calf will need to be given electrolytes to prevent dehydration--even if he's on milk--and quarantined so that if he has an infection that is contagious to other calves, he won't give it to them either. You will have to contact your vet so that some tests can be done to see what's making him scour, why and what can be done about it.

Where is the naval of the cow?

On the belly. It's where the umbilical cord used to be when she was a calf. It's also located where the sheath and urethra is on bulls and steers.

Is incarcerated umbilical hernia a infectious disease?

Incarcerated umbilical hernia is not infectious as the condition is not in anyway triggered by infection-bearing microorganism. This condition is a malformation anomaly which can be corrected with surgery.

How do use rennet in a sentence?

The rennet of the calf had a bacterial infection and required antibiotics.

How are the placenta and umbilical cord alike?

The placenta is a organ that is conacted to the umbilical cord, sothat the pacenta can give the baby oxygen and nurients.