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Q: What to groups were separated by the Proclamation line of 1733?
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What two groups were separated by the proclamation line of 1763?

The proclamation created a boundary line (often called the proclamation line) between the British colonies on the Atlantic coast and American Indian lands (called the Indian Reserve) west of the Appalachian Mountains.

The proclamation of 1763 marked the beginning of the political dispute between which two groups of people?

The two groups that were sepperated by the proclamation line of 1763 were the American Indians and the British.

Who lived just west if the proclamation line?

Who lived just west of the proclamation line?

What physical features did the proclamation line follow?

The Proclamation line follow the Appalachian Mountains physical feature.

What proclamation line follows what physical feature?

The Proclamation line follow the Appalachian Mountains physical feature.

What line marked the western limit of land colonist were allowed to settle?

The Proclamation Line,1763

What is a sentence using the proclamation of 1763?

The Proclamation of 1763 established a Proclamation Line along the Appalachians, which the colonists were not allowed to cross.

What was the result of the proclamation of 1763?

Tension between The French and the English Colonists, and the Proclamation Line/

Was the Proclamation Line obeyed?

Yes, the proclamation was obeyed because the colonists though it saved there life

Where was the proclamation of 1763 line?

the appalachian mountains

What formed the western limit of lands the colonist were allowed to settle?

am I wrong for thinkin we could be something foreal!

What mountain range Did the proclamation line follow?

The proclamation line of 1763 followed the Appalachian Mountains. This line was established by the British government to prevent further settlement by colonists west of the mountains.