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Cellular organization,Tissue organization,Mode of nutrition

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Q: What traits do scientist use to classify living things into kingdoms?
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Which scientist was first to classify living things?


Which scientist was first the classify living things?


What are the six kingdoms that scientists classify all living things into?

The six Kingdoms are: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Plantae, Animalia, Fungi.

How would you remember the six kingdoms used to classify living things?

The six kingdoms used to classify living things are plants, animals, protists, fungi, archaebacteria, and eubacteria. A way to remember these kingdoms is to memorize the first two letters of each kingdom, such as 'pl-an-pr-fu-ar-eu'.

Who was the first scientist to classify living things into two main groups?

Over 2000 years ago, a Greek scientist named Aristrotle(AIR uh staht ul) was one of the first people to classify living things.

Only two kingdoms were used thirty years ago to classify living things. How many kingdoms are used today?

Six.AnimaliaPlantaeFungiProtistaArchaeaand Bacteria

How do scientists classify the parts of the ecosystem?

scientist classify parts of an ecosystem by biotic things (living things) and abiotic things ( nonliving things).

What scientific advances have taken place to assist scientist when they classify living things?


Why does scientist use cell structure to classify living things?

coz it is one of the basis for classification...

Why do scientists classify things?

Scientists classify things to organize and understand the diversity of living organisms or objects. Classification helps in identifying relationships and patterns, as well as making it easier to study and communicate about different groups of organisms or objects.

Why do scientist classify living things?

To be able to study all the living things in our universe, we need a way to group or classify them together. Scientists divided all things into living and non-living. Then they divided those (e.g. animal kindom and plant kingdom, then continued dividing them on how the items were seimilar or dissimilar).

What are seven ways to classify living things?

you can classify them by: non- living things what they eat