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Action potential

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Q: What transmission of the depolarization wave along the neurons membrane?
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During action potential transmission many ions cross the neuronal membrane at right angles to the membrane what travels along the membrane and acts as the signal?


How is nerve impulse conducted along a myelinated nerve fiber?

In non-myelinated axons, the nerve impulse is going to be produced when the action potential accross a membrane makes a wave of depolarization followed by a wave of repolarization. With the absence of the myelin, the impulse is transmitted continuously throughout the membrane. In a non-myelinated nerve, once an end of the cell, the dendrite, is depolarized, the depolarization a.k.a., the action potential, moves along the nerve membrane, and the area of membrane immediately behind the depolarized section becomes repolarized.

What is the name of the protective insulation that surrounds parts of neurons and speeds the transmission of electrical impulses along brain cells?

Mylein SheathMyelin

How are nerve impulses prevented from traveling the wrong way on axon?

On the axon hillock, there is a concentration of sodium channels whose role are to initiate the depolarization and signal transmission allong the axon. Once the all or none threshold is reached, depolarization occurs in a cascade unidirectional along the length of the axon, with potassium channels open just following the sodium-channel mediated depolarization, such that there is no back-propagation of the signal.

What do electrical changes in a neuron create?

In neurons especially, and in all cells to a degree, electrical charges are moved across the plasma membrane via ion channels and pumps to establish an electrical gradient. The strength of this gradient is determined by how ion channels are opened. At the dendrite side of the neuron, inputs from other neurons cause the membrane to lose some of its charge separation, to depolarize. This change in voltage, a graded potential, only affects a small area of the neuron and doesn't travel. However, if this graded potential is strong enough that it can reach the axon hillock, it can start to open voltage-gated ion channels, which are found all along the long axon, but especially at the hillock. If enough ion channels are opened at the hillock, then this depolarization will open other voltage-gated ion channels in a chain reaction. This can then open up the voltage-gated ion channels next to it, and so on down the axon. This wave of depolarization is called an "action potential." This signal can then travel long distances and affect other neurons.

Is the otoliths responsible for static equilibrium?

when the head moves, the otoliths move in response to variations in gravitational pull. As they deflect different hair cells, they trigger hyperpolarization or depolarization of the hair cells and modify the rate of impulse transmission along the vestibular nerve

What is impulse conduction is fastest in neurons?

Impulses that travel along myelinated neurons are the fastest.

How are potential and action potential related?

Resting potential and action potential are both names for the measure of electrical voltage within the membrane of a cell. Specifically, these terms are used in describing the transfer of information along neural pathways. Resting potential is a state where cells are at rest. However, if an electrical response or depolarization reaches threshold, then ion channels open, allowing sodium ions to rush into the membrane and increase the voltage measure, firing an action potential along the length of this membrane.

What chemicals are used to transmit impulses through the neurons?

the transmission of a nerve impulse along a neuron from one end to the other occurs as a result of chemical changes across the membrane of the neuron. The membrane of an unstimulated neuron is polarized that is there is a difference in electrical.

What transmits messages along with neurons?

In which i do not know...sorry! :(

According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane what is a true statement about membrane phospholipids?

They can move laterally along the plane of a membrane

What signal travels along the axon?

The high-speed signals that pass along the axon are called action potentials. They spread in a wave of depolarization.