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Crayfish are classified as arthropods, because of their characteristic segmented bodies, chitinous exoskeleton, and joint appendages.

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10y ago

crayfish are considered arthropods because they have an exoskeleton and segmented body parts.

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Q: What two characteristics make a crayfish and arthropod?
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What are two characteristics of chitin?

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What two Latin words make up the word arthropod?

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The tagma of a crayfish is the Cephalothorax because it is made of two fused segments. The tagma of a crayfish is the Cephalothorax because it is made of two fused segments.

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Crayfish have two main body sections: the Cephalothorax and the Abdomen.if you want more info here is a web site:http:/izzperiodzcarnegiemnhzperiodzorg/crayfish/Keys/SectionVIIIzperiodzhtm#S

Is the fresshwater crayfish native to new zealand?

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