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Q: What two commands will display the status of processes on a Linux system?
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How do you display processes in Linux?

There are several commands that can be used to display running processes in Linux: top - probably the best choice in most situations PS - very basic. list may be too long on modern systems. ksysguard - graphical. Found in most KDE desktops. gnome-system-monitor - graphical. Found in most GNOME desktops.

With which commands do you display file names and processes in unix?

To display files and folder ls command is used, which stands for "list directory contents". It has great amount of options and very often used with -la options (list in long format (privileges, creation time, size, if it is symbol link then where it points and etc) and other options tells to include "." and ".." folders).To list all processes there is ps command which stands for "process status". In order to get very detailed list of what is running on your system you could use -lax options with this command.

How do you enter system variables on the command line in GstarCAD?

System variables are settings that control how certain commands work. They can turn on or turn off modes such as Snap, Grid, or Ortho. They can set default scales for hatch patterns. They can store information about the current drawing and about program configuration. Sometimes you use a system variable in order to change a setting. At other times you use a system variable to display the current status. For example, the GRIDMODE system variable turns the dot grid display on and off when you change the value. In this case, the GRIDMODE system variable is functionally equivalent to the GRID command.DATE is a read-only system variable that stores the current date. You can display this value, but you cannot change it.

What is the use of display file in random scan system?

Display File is a memory area which stores picture definition as a set of line drawing commands.Video controller interprets these commands and produces actual image on the screen.Display File in random scan system is comparable to frame buffer in raster scan system, on the basis of their functions.

How Keyboard and display device interface?

Assuming the question relates to a normal personal computer, the answer is: technically, they don't interface at all, at least, not directly. The keyboard interfaces to the computer through a physical port. Software (device driver) monitors the KB port for keystrokes. Operating System (OS, e.g., Windows XP) interprets what to do with the keystrokes. OS sends display commands to a graphics driver, which sends hardware commands to the graphics board, which in turn sends signals to the display to display. If the OS is broken for any reason, the path is broken, and keystrokes do not show up on the display.

What is the distinct difference between administration and supervision?

Administration involves follow up of set procedures and processes in a system and Supervision involves Comparing Actual Status with the already set standards for system success.

How can you tell what's running in background?

You can check what processes are running in the background by using system monitoring tools like Task Manager (Windows), Activity Monitor (Mac), or htop (Linux). These tools display a list of active processes, including both foreground and background tasks. Additionally, you can check for background processes in your system's settings or using command-line tools such as top or ps.

What are the PS and pstree commands in Linux?

PS (see "man 1 PS") in Linux is a program that generally comes with the operating system that allows you to see information about the running processes. pstree is a program that lets you see the processes as a tree, to see which process started which other process, for example.

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How does process load and number of running processes affect system performance?

How processes load and the number of running processes affect system performance.

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CLI is the method of interactiing with an opretion system involves typing commands at prompt.

Which method of interacting with an operating system involves typing commands at command prompt?

CLI is the method of interactiing with an opretion system involves typing commands at prompt.