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Thorium can be combined with the majority of non-metals.

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Q: What two elements would combine with thorium to complete it?
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we would not be alive

How would the world be different if elements did not combine to form elements?

If elements did not combine then life would not exist. The would be no compounds or mixtures of any kind. Chemical and nuclear reactions would not take place. All bodies in the universe could consist of a single type of element.

What is a substance produced when elements combine and whose properties are different?

That would be a compound. Combine the elements of hydrogen and oxygen, and get a compound (water) that is quite different from the two gasses you started with.

How do two elements combine together?

It would form a compund. For example, the most famous coumpoud is H2O. This compound is made out of two Hydrogen molecules and one oxygen.

What type of compound is formed when elements combine?

It depends on the elements that are combining. if they are a metal and a nonmetal then it would be an ionic compound. If they are both nonmetals then it would be a molecular compound.

Does lead combine with any other elements to create a compound?

No lead does not combine with any other is one of the only dangerous elements therefor it would be a hazard

To store hydrogen for fuelcan you combine it with another compoundlike carbonIf sohow?

Hydrogen gas used for fuel would have to be contained in a pressurized container. You would not combine it with any other elements inside the container.

What symbol does TH stand for on the periodic table?

ewan q . pota

Would silicon combine with any other elements?

Yes it combines with many nonmetals such as halogens, oxygen, sulfur etc. Generally form covalent bonds with these elements.

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Would sodium and chlorine maintain their individual properties when they combine to form salt?

No. A compound does not retain the properties of its component elements.

How many electrons are in thorium?

Thorium, with the chemical symbol Th, is the chemical element with the atomic number 90.