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The Declaration of Independence, because one enlightenment idea was that people have the right to overthrow their government if it doesn't meet the people's natural rights. Second would be the Constitution because it supported natural rights, freedom of speech, and a government with checks and balances.

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Q: What two important US documents would reflect ideas from the enlightenment?
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What important documents reflects the influence of enlightenment ideas?

he declaration of independece, I hope this helps you.

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how did the constitution and the Bill of Rights reflects enlightenment ideas

How did the constitution and the Bill of reflect enlightenment ideas?

It didnt

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How did the US Constitution reflect the ideas of enlightenment?

They declared stuff

How did US Constitution reflect the ideas of the enlightenment?

They declared stuff

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It issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

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musical forms were developed including the sonata and the symphony

Enlightenment ideas influence the bill of rights?

enlightenment ideas greatly influenced the bill of rights, dec. of independence constitution and most of our other important documents. without the enlightenment ideas, our country would not be the same as it is now, if it existed at all. some ideas that were influential in our country are:-the rights to life and liberty-freedom of speech-freedom of religion-freedom of thought-democracy-"we the people"and many others. our country has been influenced by the enlightenment and it's ideas greatly.

Which 3 us documents incorporated enlightenment ideas?

Declaration of Independence Article of Confederation Bill of rights

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