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Q: How Two infection control techniques and their effectiveness and limitations in salon?
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What are the effectiveness and limitations of different infection control techniques?

cleaning and rinsing can create a safer environment by removing organisms from items

What are limitations of internal control?

Limitations of internal control include the potential for human error, management override, collusion among employees, limitations in the effectiveness of monitoring controls, and the cost of implementing and maintaining a strong system of controls. Awareness of these limitations is essential in designing and evaluating internal control systems.

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Limitations are factors that you cannot control in an experiment, no matter what you do.

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No, using two methods of birth control increases effectiveness or leaves effectiveness unchanged.

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What are the two infection control techniques in beauty therapy?

Make sure that you always wear clean and well presented clothes. Make sure that you always use deodorant after smoking and always use a chewing gun to make your breath smell fresh when you are talking to clients. Always have your hair and make up in a smart presentation and don't over do it. Always have clean nails and no chipped nail varnish. It is important that these are taken into action as you are the first thing that the client sees and you will make the first impression on the client. If you are clean and tidy then you make the salon look good.

What factors can cause control that are established and implemented for a prolonged period to lose their effectiveness and their effectiveness?

Lack of resources and monitoring

Essay about with inection control policies and procedures in health work?

The essay on Infection control policies and procedures in health work discusses the infection control measures and infection prevalence.