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Funk, disco, dub, rhythm and blues, reggae, dancehall, toasting, performance poetry, spoken word, signifyin', The Dozens, scat singing, talking blues

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Q: What two musical genres made rap?
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Related questions

What are the differences between rock and rap?

They are two different genres; rap is more of a spoken word poetry type genre, while rock tends to have more singing and screaming.

What style of music is akons?

Hip-Hop/R&B. He occasionally does rap too but the above two are his main genres.

What are Josh Grobans music genres?

he has musical talent, really, is that what that is called. please, my two year old does a better job.

How can you rap?

To 'rap' you simply have to rhyme the ending words or phrases of two or more sentences. Similar to what Dr. Suess did with his short stories however with the generous use of urban slang and rap terms. Other music genres can incorporate rap in their songs, which is usually done for an effect. Supreme, Canada's biggest dancehall-reggae artist, uses a rapping style in his songs quite often.

What are examples of literary genres?

A genre is a class of artistic work, such as a musical genre or a literary genre. Examples of musical genres: hip-hop, rock and roll, string quartets Examples of literary genres: thriller, detective story, romance Examples of film genres: western, musical, epic A Genre Hybrid is where two different genres are merged together, to form a new genre. for example, a romance and a comedy combine to form a rom-com.

What kind of rock is linkin park?

Linkin Park has been considered many things. Above all, they are a rap/rock band who effortlessly mixes those two genres. Chester's voice brings a heavy metal essence to the band, while Mike's rythmic, thoughtful rap lyrics add a certain softness to the music, making it a rollercoaster ride of genres. However, they are definitely rock, and they definitely do rock. :)Linkin Park used to play Nu Metal, a mix of Metal, Rock, Electronica, Rap, and other genres. They also play Alternative rock.

How many types of rap are there?

Many different types. The biggest two are gangster rap, and concious rap. These two styles of rapping are the two main branches from which the other minor branches, such as southern rap, stem.

Represents the two main concepts behind baroque music?

The two main concepts associated with Baroque music are basso continuo and the doctrine of the affections. These were used to create elaborate and emotional musical genres such as opera, cantata, and concerto.

What was rap music like?

It used to be good until 2008, when Soldier Boy and Little Wayne came and ruined it and now most rap sucks and makes peoples stupid enough to think that there's a difference between rap and hiphop when really there isn't. and they also are dumb enough to think that rock and metal are the same thing when really there two different genres of music (espiacially now).

What are two genres of cultural music?

Clasical and the blues

What are the two ways a musical sound cam be made on a violin?

Using the bow or plucking the string.

Who didn't do rap?

Two Pock