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Gills and Kidneys

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Q: What two organs are involved in maintaining water and ion balance in a bony fish?
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Why is water balance such an important factor in maintaining homeostasis?

Water balance is an important factor in maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is crucial to organ function which regulates blood water levels.

Which organ has the job of conserving water and keeping it in your body?

Both the skin and the kidneys have the job of maintaining water balance in your body.

What is the name given to the kind of mechanism by which water content is regulated?

The mechanism by which water content is regulated in the body is called osmoregulation. It involves maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body to ensure proper functioning of cells and organs.

What organs do humans use to balance water in their blood?

the kidney

What is the main organs in keeping water balance in mammals and birds?


What 3 organs are involved in removing water from the body?

The skin, kidneys and lungs.

How are the organs on the board involoved in water balance?

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What is the blood protein plays a role in maintaining osmotic pressure and water balance between blood and tissues are?


What is the explanation for the importance of osmoregulation in body?

it helps in maintaining the water and ion balance of the body and hence prevents dehydration.....

Which organ is responsible the bodys water balance?

Osmoregulatory organs besides the kidney play important roles in body fluid-ion balance.

What does body water balance means?

Body water balance refers to the equilibrium between water intake and water loss in the body. It is essential for maintaining normal bodily functions and overall health. Imbalances, such as dehydration or overhydration, can lead to various health problems.

Can a deficiency in zinc cause dehydration?

Yes, a deficiency in zinc can impair the body's ability to regulate fluid balance and can lead to dehydration. Zinc is essential for maintaining proper electrolyte balance and supporting the function of certain enzymes involved in fluid regulation. A deficiency in zinc may contribute to increased water loss and dehydration.