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uranus and neptune

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Q: What two planets are known as ice giants?
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What two planets are referred as ice giants?

The outermost 2 planets Uranus and Neptune.

What are the two major groups that planets are divided?

Inner rocky planets and outer gas giant planets. (There are also Ice giants and dwarf planets)

What are the two planets that are blue giants?

Blue Giants refers to super heavy blue stars such as Bellatrix.Planets are divided into 3 main types :-Gas Giants such as Jupiter and Saturn. Ice Giantssuch as Neptune and Uranus. Terestrial planets such as Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury.I believe what u refer to is Ice giants. Both Neptune and Uranus have a blue green appearance

What four planets are know as the gas giants?

Well there are actually only two, Jupiter and Saturn. The other two are more properly called Ice Giants and they are Uranus and Neptune.

The inner planets are also known as?

Older texts will refer to the four outer gas giant planets as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.However, later texts will refer to Jupiter and Saturn as the gas giants and Uranus and Neptune as the ice giants.

How does venus rank in the largest plants in the solar system?

Venus is the sixth-largest planet in our solar system, preceded by Earth, and proceeded by Mars. There are twelve smaller planets (ten dwarf planets, two terrestrial planets) than Venus in the system, and five larger planets (two gas giants, two ice giants, one terrestrial planet) than Venus.

Why is jupiter called a gas giant?

Uranus is not considered a gas giant, it is an ICE giant. The two gas giant planets are Jupiter and Saturn and the two ice giant planets are Uranus and Neptune.

Which two planets have ice covering both of their poles?

There are nine planets in the Solar System. Two of them have ice covering both of the poles, call Polar Ice Caps. These two planets are Earth and Mars.

Which outer planet is made of mostly ice instead of gas?

Neptune and Uranus (tee-hee) are the only two ice giants in our solar system.

Which three planets have polar ice caps?

Earth and Mars are the only planets known to have polar ice caps. Yes, I agree. However there is a possibility that Mercury has some ice in deep craters at the poles.

What are some planets made of which other planets arent?

The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rock and metal. The four outer planets, the gas giants, are substantially more massive than the terrestrials. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium; the two outermost planets, Uranus and Neptune, are composed largely of ices, such as water, ammonia and methane, and are often referred to separately as "ice giants". (wikipedia)

What are two ways that the eight planets can be classified?

They can be classed as terrestrial planets or gas giants, or inner and outer.