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Q: What two spheres interact with wave currents?
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What two spheres interact to produce waves and currents?

The atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

What two spheres cause erosion?

The two spheres that are responsible for erosion are the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. These spheres interact all of the time.

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Which two spheres interact when a glacier erodes rock

What two spheres interact when lightning strikes a forest?

The sphere of electricity, and the sphere of trees.

When two waves interact to produce a wave of larger amplitude the interaction is called?

constructive interference

Which two spheres interact to produce waves and currents?

A. - the geosphere and biosphere B. - the biosphere and hydrosphere C. - the cryosphere and atmosphere D. - the atmosphere and hydrosphere - Pick any of these answers but to be smart... Go search them up and you will learn. :)

When a wave creates a strong under toe what kind of wave is it?

Rip currents are often associated with undertow, but the two are not related. Undertow occurs with all waves.

Name and describe two kinds of currents that wave action can cause near shore?

Two kinds of currents that wave action can cause near shore are "Longshore Current", which is the overall direction and movement of the waves that strike the shore at an angle. The other kind of current is "Rip Currents", which are narrow streams of water that break through sandbars and drain rapidly back to sea.

Interaction between two seismic waves that meet is called?

when two waves interact to produce a wave of larger amplitude, the interaction is called

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Which two spheres are most affected by a forest fire?

The spheres most affected by forest fires are the flammable spheres.