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Q: What two things are necessary to make an inference?
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Example of observation and inference?

for observation it is the temperature today is 4 degrees Fahrenheit or inference it is in two weeks, there will be snow on the ground

Difference between inference and fact?

A fact is something that can be proven by observation from cause to effect. An inference is something that is inferred, or implied, by the existence of two conditions. For example: my dog is asleep; my dog farted; I inver that my dog must only fart when he is asleep.

What are the two type of inference?

constructive interference destructive interference

What is inference in artificial intelligence?

Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.The conclusion drawn is also called an idiomatic. The laws of valid inference are studied in the field of logic.Or inference can be defined in another way. Inference is the non-logical, but rational, means, through observation of patterns of facts, to indirectly see new meanings and contexts for understanding. Of particular use to this application of inference are anomalies and symbols. Inference, in this sense, does not draw conclusions but opens new paths for inquiry. (See second set of Examples.) In this definition of inference, there are two types of inference: inductive inference and deductive inference. Unlike the definition of inference in the first paragraph above, meaning of word meanings are not tested but meaningful relationships are articulated.

Two gases found in ocean water that are necessary for living things are?

* '''carbon dioxide''' * '''oxygen''' '''this are your two types of gases that help living things'''

What is inference rules in artificial intelligence?

Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.The conclusion drawn is also called an idiomatic. The laws of valid inference are studied in the field of logic.Or inference can be defined in another way. Inference is the non-logical, but rational, means, through observation of patterns of facts, to indirectly see new meanings and contexts for understanding. Of particular use to this application of inference are anomalies and symbols. Inference, in this sense, does not draw conclusions but opens new paths for inquiry. (See second set of Examples.) In this definition of inference, there are two types of inference: inductive inference and deductive inference. Unlike the definition of inference in the first paragraph above, meaning of word meanings are not tested but meaningful relationships are articulated.

What two things are necessary for life are not found on the moon?

low gravity and lacking an atmosphere

What two things that are necessary for life are not found on the moon?

low gravity and lacking an atmosphere

How do you make things on alchemy?

put two things together

What is a cause-effect inference?

A cause-effect inference is a conclusion or assumption made about the relationship between two events or phenomena, where one event is believed to have caused or influenced the occurrence of the other. It is based on evidence and reasoning that suggests a causal relationship between the two variables.