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The two things that a plant takes in for photosynthesis are : light and carbon dioxide.

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13y ago

well, in order for photosynthesis to occur, water, sunlight and carbon dioxide is necessary so given the question which involves "MATERIALS" the answer would be water and CO2

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14y ago

In photosynthesis, the reactants are carbon dioxide and water

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13y ago

The two things that must be taken in by a plant for photosynthesis are sunlight and oxygen (ahem,water.)

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11y ago

Carbon Dioxide + Water -------(using light energy)---------> Oxygen + Glucose

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carbon dioxide and water

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13y ago

carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight

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Q: What two things must be taken in by a plant for photosynthesis?
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How is diffusion important to cell processes such as photosynthesis?

Diffusion is the process by which small particles move from a place of high concentration to a place of lower concentration. By diffusion, small molecules like salts can go inside a cell from the outside. To keep itself alive, a Cell needs to take in many things from its outside. In Photosynthesis, gaseous Carbon Dioxide (CO2) enters the plant cell by diffusion. CO2 is very important in building food and making energy for the plants.

Why is it so important to control variables in an experiment?

You need to control variables in an experiment so as to make sure that only the variable you are testing and changing is the one affecting the results of your experiment. For example, in an experiment to find the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of plant, you'll change light by putting a plant in sun and another in dark but you must not change carbon dioxide level for both plants so by that you have controlled other variables in the experiment(variables which must be the same always in the experiment).

Does grass need sunlight in order to grow?

It is possibly for grass to grow with very little sunlight. That is because, even though the grass seed plant does not receive an average amount of sunlight, it can still conduct photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is where a plant can make food from sunlight, carbon-dioxide, and water. The food that they produce is- Glucose. Which is a type of sugar. Once a plant has food, it can grow. So you must be wondering- "Hello! When are we going to get to the good stuff? I know all about photosynthesis. What I want to know is, can grass survive with very little sunlight?" The answer is - for the second time - yes. Although it probably won't grow as well as the other grass seed plants, who receive an average amount of sunlight. I hope this helps!

An unknown protist has chloroplasts. therefore it must be what?

a plant.

What other step must be taken in the treatment on water?

To add fluorine

Related questions

What must a plant have to carry out photosynthesis?


What must a plant have for photosynthesis to occur?

For photosynthesis to occur, a plant must have three main things: sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. These are essential for the plant to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

What is required for photosynthesis but not respiration?

Chloroplasts. They are little things found only in plant cells which help them photosynthesise. In order to photosynthesise you must has chloroplasts.

A plant must light energy before it can be used for photosynthesis?


What chemical must be present in a cell for it to be able to carry out photosynthesis?

The presence of chlorophyll is vital in order for the plant to carry out photosynthesis. Of course, chloroplasts (an organelle found in most plant cells), must be present.

What must a plant have and get for photosynthesis to take place?

They should have pigments and enzymes. They are in chloroplasts

What three things must plans have to make their own food by photosynthesis?

The three things that are needed for photosynthesis is water,carbon dioxide,and sunlight

Plant must light energy before it can be used for photosynthesis?

absorb ramon C.

What must be available in order for photosynthesis to occur?

For photosynthesis to occur, plants need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight. Water is absorbed through the roots, carbon dioxide is taken in from the air through small openings in the leaves called stomata, and sunlight provides the energy needed for the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What is the reason plants must use respiration in addition to photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis produces sugars, but these sugars must be broken down. Otherwise, the plant cannot use the energy stored in sugars.

Which substances must a green plant obtain from it's environment to carry on photosynthesis?

carbon and water

What is photosynthesis in a yucca plant?

For photosynthesis in a Yucca Plant, the plant must be watered at least 5 times a day. The Yucca Plant is very sensetive. If you cut it, it will not grow, but it will die effective in about 1,2,3, or 4 weeks. I hope I helped you out! -Scientist of CA; Juliana DeVoccha