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its what is in the poo

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Q: What two things must be true before the microscope can be switched to high power to zoom in on a specimen?
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magnify glass
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What specimen's can be seen using a compound microscope?

Lots of tiny things, but it depends on how strong your microscope is.

What is a diaphgram on a microscope's function?

The diaphragm on a microscope controls the amount of light passing through the specimen. By adjusting the diaphragm, you can regulate the contrast and brightness of the image, helping to improve visibility and clarity of the specimen.

What Things to observe after and before returning the microscope?

After returning the microscope, check to ensure that all lens objectives are in the lowest position, the light source is turned off, and the power cord is neatly stowed. Before returning the microscope, clean the lenses with lens paper, ensure the stage is in the lowest position, and cover the microscope to protect it from dust.

What is the practical application of a stereo microscope?

The stereo microscope is typically used for lower magnifications of larger specimen. It is usually used to view the surfaces of such things as wood and plastic. You can use it for microsurgery, dissection and also for sorting.

What should microscope slides be placed on?

On top of the Microscope slide, the specimen you wish to examine is place and then water and a coverslip is placed on top of that. Other things may be added depending on the speciment you wish to examine such as stainers like Iodine.

What things can you put under a microscope?

A microscope is a thing that has a big magnifying glass that works even better than a regular one. You can even see germs, microscopic!

Why is kohler illumination important?

Kohler Illumination is extremely important when observing a specimen under a microscope. Without Kohler Illumination, it would be nearly impossible to achieve a high-quality image of the specimen, and therefore scientists would be unable to study and observe a multitude of living things in a beneficial way.

What is the name for small samples of tissue removed for examination under a microscope?

If you mean a tissue sample taken to test for things such as cancer, the sample and the process of collecting it is called a biopsy. If it is tissue left over after a medical procedure, it can be a histopathological specimen. Of course, anything examined can be called a specimen.

How does a microscope let you see small objects?

A microscope uses lenses to magnify the image of small objects, allowing them to be seen more clearly. By focusing light on the object and magnifying it, a microscope can reveal details that may not be visible to the naked eye.

What is one important advantage an optical microscope has over a more powerful electron microscope?

An optical microscope is generally simpler to use and more cost-effective than an electron microscope. It also allows for the observation of living specimens in real-time due to lower levels of specimen preparation.

Why use a 1500X lens on a microscope?

A 1500X lens is used on a microscope to achieve high magnification, allowing you to see very small details of the specimen being viewed. This level of magnification is commonly used in scientific and medical research where precise examination of cells, tissues, or microorganisms is necessary. It helps in analyzing the fine structures and characteristics of the specimen with great clarity and detail.

How can a microscope determine if the specimen is a living thing?

A microscope can determine if a specimen is living by observing movement, growth, and cell structures. Living things exhibit characteristics such as cells, metabolism, growth, and reproduction, which can be observed under a microscope. Additionally, staining techniques can help differentiate between living and non-living specimens by highlighting specific biological structures.