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None the alcohol doesn't increase sperm but my reduce it

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Q: What type of alcohol increase sperm?
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How one can increase the sperm count?

A man can increase his sperm count by not smoking, drinking less alcohol, exercising regularly, eating more fruit or nuts and eating less soy based food.

Can alcohol damage male sperm?

If you put alcohol directly on sperm it will die.

Is Vodka reduces sperm count?

Excessive consumption of vodka or any other alcoholic drink can reduce sperm count. This happens because alcohol can increase the level of estrogen in men.

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Yes Onions do increase the sexuallity of a man. Usuallyit increase the sperm count hence the desire to increase the duration too.

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i am not sure that it will increase sperm count.but it is very useful for sexual health..

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Does alcohol cos low sperm count?

Alcohol by itself can only very mildly cause a reduction in sperm count. But a person who drinks every day is causing damage to their liver. When the liver is damaged, it doesn't process hormones correctly and an increase in estrogen can occur. This leads to gynecomastia (man boobs), and can reduce sperm count. But if the liver damage has progressed to this point, the person has bigger health concerns than a low sperm count.