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Q: What type of bonding joins hydrogen atoms?
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What type of bond joins carbon atom to each of the hydrogen atoms?

A single (nonpolar) covalent joins the carbon atom to each of the hydrogen atoms.

What type of fat is saturated fat?

Saturated fat has all bonding positions where hydrogen atoms could bond occupied by hydrogen atoms.

When more than one type of atom joins together a what is formed?

Compounds are formed when different types of atoms are bonded together. For example, water is formed by the chemical bonding between hydrogen and oxygen.

Ammonia (NH3) involves an unequal sharing of electrons between nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms. What type of bonding does ammonia have?

Ammonia (NH3) involves an unequal sharing of electrons between nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms. What type of bonding does ammonia have?

Ammonia involves an unequal sharing of electrons between nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms What type of bonding does ammonia have?

Ammonia's bonding is a polar covalent bond.

Ammonia involves an unequal sharing of electrons between nitrogen and thre hydrogen atoms what type of bonding does ammonia have?

Ammonia's bonding is a polar covalent bond.

What type of bonding does pure water have?

1 atom of oxygen is bonded covalently to 2 atoms of hydrogen. two molecules of water are combined to each other through hydrogen bond

What type of bond is formed when the positive charged hydrogen atoms in a water molecule are attracted to the negative charged oxygen atoms in another water molecule?

covalent bond

Is hydrogen bonding is a type of bonding or not?

Hydrogen bonding is a type of intermolecular force of attractionAdded:This is between molecules.It is not as strong as chemical bonding within molecules (intramolecular) though.

Which type of Bonding Between Hydrogen and titanium?

covalent bonding in titanium hydride complexes and in the poorly characterised TiH4. Note that titanium metal "dissolves " hydrogen in similar way to palladium. This is not a chemical compound but involves hydrogen atoms inside the titanium lattice.

What type of bond holds nylon?

Hydrogen bonding.

The weak type of bonding which attracts molecules to molecules is?

Hydrogen bonding