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Compact bone

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Compact bone.

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Q: What type of bone has lacunae in concentric circles around central canals and is found on the wall of the middle prtion of the long bone?
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What is the use of concentric circles?

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He developed the theory that planets move in concentric circles around the earth?

This theory was developed by the ancient Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Known as the Ptolemaic system, it held that planets move in circular orbits around the Earth. This geocentric model was widely accepted until the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century.

How are bone cells orangized in bone tissue?

The matrix for bone is laid down in thin layers called lamellae. The lamellae are arranged in concentric patterns around tubes called osteonic canals. Between the layers of lamellae the osteocytes are placed in depressions called lacunae. This pattern of concentric circles forms a cylinder-shaped unit called the osteon.

A magnetic field around a current carrying wire forms?

A circular magnetic field is formed around a current-carrying wire according to Ampère's right-hand rule. The direction of the magnetic field can be determined using the right-hand grip rule - if your thumb points in the direction of the current flow, your fingers curl in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

What tissue are cells in solid matrix arranged around central canal?

Bone cells surround Haversian canals. Osteon (Haversian system) is the structural unity of bone. Spaces for osteocytes are called lacunae. The matrix is present in concentric rings called lamellae. Canaliculi are canals that join lacunae with the central Haversian canal (central canal)

Bone Cells are arranged in concentric circles around the osteonic harversian canals T or F?

True. Bone cells, such as osteocytes, are indeed arranged in concentric circles around the Haversian canals in compact bone tissue to form structural units called osteons.

Bone cells are arranged in concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called?

osteonic canals

What is the matrix hard owing to calcium salts?

Osseous tissue has cells that are arranged in concentric circles around a nutrient canal matrix and is hard due to calcium salts.

What are the layers of bony matrix around a central canal called?

Concentric lamellae

Layers of bony matrix around a central canal?

Concentric Lamellae -JSO

What is the observation Oersted Experiment?

The Oersted Experiment demonstrated that electric currents create magnetic fields. In the experiment, a compass needle deflected when placed near a current-carrying wire, showing the magnetic effect of the current. This discovery laid the foundation for the relationship between electricity and magnetism, leading to the development of electromagnetism.

What is the difference between lacuna and lamella?

A lacuna is a small cavity or gap within a structure, such as in bone tissue where osteocytes reside. A lamella is a thin plate-like structure, such as the layers of bone tissue that form concentric circles around the Haversian canals. In bone tissue, lacunae house osteocytes, while lamellae provide structural support.