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No starfish, more accurately seastars, do not breathe through gills. Instead: Oxygen enters mainly by diffusion into the tube feet (and thus into the water vascular system) or the papulae, which are little sacs all over the upper surface of the body.

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2d ago

A sea star has a water vascular system that aids in gas exchange for respiration. Water enters through the madreporite and moves through a network of tube feet, facilitating oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide release. This system also helps in distribution of nutrients and waste removal.

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13y ago

This sight has a simple explanation, although it's not very detailed.

Also, you have your question wrong. Circulation Respiration doesn't exsist. Circulation is a system in your body and respiration is another system in your body. Maybe you are thinking of cellular respiration, that is a process in which you breath out CO2 (carbon Dioxide) and plants produce O2 (Oxygen) with that Carbon Dioxide.

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15y ago


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