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Either a stratus cloud or cumulonimbus.

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Q: What type of cloud will be seen during a stormy day?
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What does the clouds represents?

it depends which cloud it is, it might mean you are a stormy type of person.

What type of clouds will be seen during stormy days?

During stormy days, you are likely to see dark, low-lying clouds such as nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds are associated with heavy rain, thunderstorms, and strong winds.

What type of weather is it during a thunderstorm?


What is a curled cloud?

A curled cloud is a type of cloud formation that appears twisted or spiraled in shape. It is usually caused by wind patterns or turbulence in the atmosphere, which can create unique and visually striking cloud formations. These clouds are often associated with stormy weather conditions.

What is the rarest type of cloud?

One of the rarest types of clouds is the noctilucent cloud, which is a type of cloud that forms in the mesosphere at very high altitudes. They are typically seen in polar regions during the summer months and can appear to glow in the twilight sky.

When can a Thunderhead be seen?

A Thunderhead is a type of cloud. A Thunderhead may be seen during a thunderstorm and the best chance to see them would be along cold front squall lines.

What type of cloud would you see on a cold stormy day?

On a cold stormy day, you might see nimbostratus clouds, which are thick, dark clouds that bring prolonged periods of precipitation. These clouds often indicate steady rain or snowfall and are associated with stormy weather conditions.

What is nimbus?

A nimbus is a type of cloud that is dark and rain-bearing. It is often associated with stormy weather and precipitation. The term "nimbus" is commonly used to describe a specific type of cumulonimbus cloud that can produce thunderstorms.

What is today's cloud type?

The cloud type depends on the height and formation of the cloud. Cloud types will be different for different locations during the same time period, therefore, will vary depending on location.

What type of cloud is called a mackerel sky?

A mackerel sky is a type of altocumulus cloud formation that resembles the patterns on the skin of a mackerel fish. These clouds are often seen in the middle layer of the atmosphere and can indicate changes in weather conditions.

What kind of cloud occur in a tsunami?

No type of cloud is associated with tusnamis, as a tsunami is not a weather-related phenonomenon. A tsunami can occur during absolutely any type of weather.

What type of clouds grow during a tornado?

When a tornado forms it often produces a funnel cloud.