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Q: What type of criticism upset you?
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"Smarting" is a slang term that means hurting - he was hurting over the defeat.

What is a prescriptive criticism?

a type of criticism that offers suggestions for the betterment of a production

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When someone ask's a question about what types of things frustrate or upset me the most .

Meaning of flusted?

Did you mean 'flustered'? Fluster: To make or become nervous or upset. A state of agitation, confusion, or excitement. 'His constant criticism flustered me.'

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Type your answer here... What criticism did Adam Smith make against mercantilism?

What are the types of criticism and give special emphasis took best to the types of criticism you like best?

Types of criticism include constructive criticism, destructive criticism, positive criticism, and negative criticism. Constructive criticism is the most helpful type as it focuses on providing feedback and suggestions for improvement without being overly negative. It is important because it can help individuals grow and develop their skills in a positive way.

To kill a mockingbird- why was scout so upset by her teacher's criticism of Hitler?

Scout was so upset by her teacher criticising Hitler because he was being racially prejudiced towards the Jewish people and Scout linked this prejudice to that of Maycomb County and the Negroes. Scout is upset that her teacher sees it as wrong for Hitler to punish the Jews when her teacher does the same thing to Negroes within their own community.

I soon returned home because I was upset(identify the type of sentence)?

This is a complex sentence.

What is past tense for upset?

upset: "I was upset." "He was upset." "He and I were both upset." "I upset him." ect

What is prescriptive criticism?

a type of criticism that offers suggestions for the betterment of a production

What kind of criticisim is a poorly delievered criticism that can be hurtful and malicious?

A poorly delivered criticism that is hurtful and malicious is considered destructive criticism. This type of criticism often focuses on attacking the person rather than providing constructive feedback on their actions or behavior. It can have a negative impact on the individual's self-esteem and relationships.

What type of boyfriends do girls want?

Ones that care for their girlfriends and that are there no matter what to look after them and soothe them when they are upset