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A deciduous forest ecosystem.

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Q: What type of ecosystem existed in the copper basin before mining began?
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What factors can affect pH of a river red gum ecosystem?

Factors that can affect the pH of a river red gum ecosystem include the presence of acidic or alkaline compounds in the water, runoff from surrounding land uses such as agriculture or mining, natural decomposition processes releasing organic acids, and the buffering capacity of the soil and vegetation in the ecosystem. Human activities such as pollution and deforestation can also impact the pH of the ecosystem.

How do humans affect an ecosystem?

Humans can affect an ecosystem in various ways, such as through pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, overfishing, and climate change. These activities can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, leading to loss of biodiversity, degradation of natural resources, and impact on the overall health of the ecosystem. Conservation efforts are essential to mitigate these negative impacts and preserve the ecosystem for future generations.

How does data mining contribute to the fielding og genomics?

by awsomeness

What are 2 ecological services of a tundra?

Tundras provide important ecological services such as carbon sequestration, where they store large amounts of carbon in the soil and vegetation, helping mitigate climate change. Additionally, tundras act as important habitat for a variety of wildlife species, supporting biodiversity and ecosystem stability.

What are the five occupations that you think pose a risk of mutation and explain the reason for your choices?

6. Working in nuclear plants, mining, chemist, sandblasting, glass manufacturing the first one exposes you to radiation the others involve a lot of fumes that can be harmful when breathed in

Related questions

How do heavy metals enter the ecosystem?

most heavy metals such as lead, copper, nickel, tin, zinc and cadmium enter an ecosystem through mining, dams, runoffs, gold mining, metal processing and hunting.

What do yo mean by copper mining?

mining for copper

When did Copper mining in Arizona happen?

Copper mining in Arizona happened in 2007.

How can you stop copper mining?

Find a substitute for copper and pay everyone in the copper industry for income lost by eliminating copper mining.

What kind of mining is done in peru?

All types of mining from copper mining to gold mining to zinc mining.

What are some pros and cons for copper mining?

· We cannot live our current lifestyle without copper. · Copper is a valuble base metal · Hundreds of secondary industries depend on Copper and Copper mining · Nearly all things electronic depend on copper. · Quite simply we just have to have copper · The mining of Copper creates thousands of jobs

What is Arizona's mining?


When was Detroit Copper Mining Company of Arizona created?

Detroit Copper Mining Company of Arizona was created in 1874.

When did Detroit Copper Mining Company of Arizona end?

Detroit Copper Mining Company of Arizona ended in 1917.

What are the benefits of mining copper?

Copper mining produces copper, a very useful element. I also provides jobs and a lot of tax money for the government.

What type of mining is a significant industry in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile?

Copper mining in northern Chile is the major industry of the Atacama Desert.

What are some uses of copper after mining it?

you can make copper stuff