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Q: What type of energy does a bungee jumper have before he jumps?
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Can bungee jumping have gravitational potential energy and how?

Yes, potential energy is an energy something has because of its position in a gravitation field. Thus the jumper standing on the bridge before the jump has gravitational potential energy. When the jumper jumps the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (the energy something has because of it motion) an is also stored in the rubber band as elastic strain energy. When the energy stored in the rubber band exceeds the kinetic energy the jumper halts and bounces back and the energy in the rubber is re converted into potential energy. The jumper oscillates on the rubber rope until the energy loss due to friction and wind resistance uses up the potential energy present in the system at the start of the jump and the jumper hangs still from the rope.

What energy does the student have before he jumps of the bridge?

he has potential energy

How do you call the person who jumps from a plane?

A parachutist or parachute jumper voluntarily jumps from a plane. A non-voluntary jumper would be a victim of foul play.

Where would it be possible to book a bungi jump online?

You can book a bungee jump online at the GetYourGuide Website and at HuluTrip. You can also book bungee jumps on the Levenger website and at Bungee America.

A man bungee jumps off a bridge and is brought to a rest by the stretched bungee cord this is an example of the following?

long time, small force

What is the homographs for a person that jumps and a type of dress?

The homograph for a person that jumps and a type of dress is "leap." It can refer to both the action of jumping and a style of dress that is traditionally worn by women.

Why a long jumper runs before he jumps?

to build up momentum and it gives him more height therfore hed jump further

What is the person called that jumps off high mountains?

bunjie jumper

How do you bungee jump off of a chair?

You put the chair on the top of a building or a bridge so you can bungee jump off the chair.

How many bungee jumps end in death?

Around 1 in every 2000,000 jump! that's almost 0%

Why did it get the name bungee jumping?

Because the first bungee jumps were done on giant versions of the common bungee cords that people use for everything from keeping an overstuffed trunk lid down, to attaching luggage to a luggage rack. They are called Bungee cords. The first jumps were done on large versions of those cords... 5/8" to-3/4" to- 1" inch diameter. Made primarily for the military for heavy duty applications such as attaching heavy equipment such as tanks to parachutes for equipment drops. So since the cords they did these first jumps from were called "bungee cords" they named the new activity "bungee jumping" Then about 8 yrs later after "bungee jumping" had caught on and had spread to the U.S. where the first commercial bungee jumping business had already taken off. Down under a New Zealander had decided to get in on the new craze and began trying to figure out a new system of cords to perform the same jumps. He found that you could buy the same latex rubber in bulk, that was the same as the rubber inside the "bungee" cords. It came in long continuous length ribbons. He found a way to wrap it around a spool on each end, round and round and then finally tying it off. The cord was then stretched out and bound with the same rubber in a dual helical binding to keep it from flying apart and the jumper getting caught up in the rubber during the rebound. These cords have different characteristics during the jump than the machine made "bungee" cords. Bungee cords are made with a machine called a braider. The rubber is stretched tight before going through the braider where the machine weaves a braided sheath around the stretched rubber.After the cord is finished the rubber inside stays stretched out tight so the jumps done on these can be made using a longer cord, resulting in a longer freefall. The cords designed in New Zealand are spongier and stretch longer, so a shorter cord has to be used. Since these cords are different from the usual bungee cords that had already existed he felt they should have a different spelling...hence the name and spelling...Bungy

How do you get back up after bungee jumping?

It depends on what the person jumps off of. If it is off of a bridge usually after jumping a rope is lowered down to the person and the person attaches the rope to their harness with a carabiner. Then the people on the bridge all pull together at the same time and the jumpers is slowly pulled back up. And on other bridges sometimes the jumper is lowered down. The entire bungee cord is lowered down by being attached to a rope at the top of the bridge. The rope travels through a series of pulleys and through a rope brake which controls the descent. the jumper is either lowered to the ground or onto a boat below and the bungee cord is removed by a crew member.