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Atoms are made of an electrically positive nucleus and electrically negative electrons.

However, they are mainly empty space.

It is the nature of atomic structure that prevents you falling through the floor.

In simple terms, you could say the force is electrical repulsion by the outer electrons of the atoms in the person and in the floor.

However, the proper answer depends on "quantum theory".

The most important thing here is called the "Pauli Exclusion Principle".

Basically, electrons can't easily be "squashed together".

If you try to stand on water you'll probably fall through that.

So, there's something else that's important.

It is the "cohesive force" that holds stuff together.

At the level of atoms, that force is chemical bonding of various sorts.

Chemical bonds are based on electrical forces.

So, the answer to this question is "electrical force and the properties of electrons in atoms".

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6d ago

The normal force, which is the force exerted by a surface to support the weight of an object resting on it, prevents you from falling through the kitchen floor. It acts in the opposite direction to the force of gravity, keeping you stable and stationary on the floor.

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Q: What type of force prevents you from falling through the kitchen floor?
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To stop the table in your class falling through the floor what must the floor do against the force of gravity pulling the table down?

The floor must provide an equal and opposite force to counteract the force of gravity pulling the table down. This support force from the floor prevents the table from falling through it.

Does electromagnetism stop us falling through floor?

No, electromagnetism does not prevent us from falling through the floor. The repulsion between electrons in our body and the electrons in the floor creates the sensation of solidity, keeping us from passing through it.

How much force does a floor exert on you?

The force a floor exerts on you is equal and opposite to your weight. This force is known as the normal force, which supports your weight and prevents you from falling through the floor. The magnitude of this force depends on your mass and the acceleration due to gravity.

When you stand on a floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet?

Yes, according to Newton's third law of motion, the floor exerts an equal and opposite force against your feet when you stand on it. This upward force is what supports your weight and prevents you from falling.

Why is work done a housemaid scrubs a kitchen floor?

Work is done when a housemaid scrubs a kitchen floor because she is applying force over a distance to move the mop across the floor. This physical exertion results in the lifting of dirt and grime off the floor, requiring energy to be transferred from the housemaid to the floor. The housemaid's effort contributes to the overall cleanliness of the kitchen floor.

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