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Q: What type of fossil fuel made from the remains of ancient plants that lived millions of years ago is?
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Plants and animals that lived in the oceans formed the fossil fuel called?

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed in ancient swamps from the remains of plants and animals under great heat and pressure over millions of years. A liquid fossil fuel formed in oceans from the remains of plants and animals under great heat and pressure of millions of years is called oil.

What fossil fuel formed from the remains of buried plants in ancient swamps?


Is there a fossil fuel that is renuable?

No. At least not in our life time. Fossil fuels are the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago.

What type of fuel formed by the remains of sea creatures and plants millions of years ago?

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are formed from the remains of sea creatures and plants that have been transformed over millions of years due to heat and pressure underground.

What is a substance such as coal or oil that was formed millions of years ago from the remains of plants and animals?

Fossil Fuels

What is made from the remains of dead plants over millions of years?

Fossil fuels: coal, oil, gas.

Is are formed from the remains of plants and animals that have been stored beneath the Earth's surface for millions of years?

fossil fuels

Is or are formed from the remains of plants and animals that have been stored beneath the Earth's surface for millions of years?

Fossil fuels

What is made from the remains of plants?

Referring to animals - poop If left alone for millions of years - fossil fuels.

What are fuels created from remains of ancient plants and animals called?

fossil fuels is what i think the answer is but im pretty sure its fossil fuels

Isare formed from the remains of plants and animals that have been stored beneath the Earth's surface for millions of years?

fossil fuels

What is the term used to describe the ancient remains of plants that are used as a form of non-renewable energy?

Fossil Fuels