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radiant heat

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6d ago

Radiation is the type of heat transfer that can travel the furthest distance because it does not require a medium to carry the heat. Radiation can travel through the vacuum of space, which makes it capable of traveling long distances.

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Q: What type of heat transfer travels the furthest distance?
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Is the direct transfer of heat through a substance?

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What is the fastest heat transfer?

It depends on the medium of heat transfer. For solids, it is conduction heat transfer. For liquids and gases, it is convection heat transfer. for vacuum (no medium), it is radiation heat transfer.

How does heat travels if there is air?

Heat travels through water and air primarily through conduction and convection. Radiation is also a significant means of heat transfer through air, but less so through water.

Three ways in which heat travels?

Conduction, Convection and Radiation (Infrared).

When heat travels in a vacuum to heat another source this is known as?

Radiative heat transfer, or simply: radiation. As opposed to conduction and convection.

What method of heat transfer makes possible for the sun to heat earth?

radiation, this is the only one that travels in a vacuum

What are the types of heat transfers?

Conduction: Transfer of heat in solids Convection: Transfer of heat in liquid and gases (convection currents are the motion of which the heat travels in, see hot air balloon's) Radiation: Transfer of heat through vacuum (space i.e no particles)

What is the energy that travels from warm bodies to cooler bodies?

The energy that travels from warm bodies to cooler bodies is heat. Heat transfer occurs through conduction, convection, or radiation, depending on the medium through which the heat is moving.

Heat Travels from the sun to the earth by means of a process called?

Heat travels from the sun to the Earth through a process called radiation. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves such as light.