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this is a really unspecific question, Its like me saying "people are tall?". The answer is not as clear cut as "Yes" or "No", and it all depends on what you mean. Do you mean that light passes through some objects, in which case the answer is yes, visible light will pass through some objects (like a glass) depending on the physical characteristics of the material (mainly transparency and clarity (and yes, these are different qualities)). If you mean will radiation (which, as visible light is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is technically a type of radiation) pass through all objects, then your answer is yes (mostly). Certain materials will block certain wave lengths of radiation but not others (like lead crystal blocks Nuclear radiation but not visible light radiation). this is, in principle, how UV protected lenses work, they block UV radiation but lets most of the 'light' radiation through, allowing you to see through them. I hope this answers your woefully worded question, and that you can now live in peace, knowing that just because you cant see the night sky, doesn't mean that your DNA isn't being torn apart by high-energy cosmic radiation from the night sky as you sleep, blissfuly unaware.

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2w ago

Translucent objects allow some light to pass through, but not enough to see through clearly. Transparent objects allow light to pass through easily, making them see-through. Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through at all.

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That really depends upon the object; different substances have different opacity or transparency for different frequencies of light.

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Q: What type of light passes through an object?
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What light passes through an object?

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Its called atomic spectrum

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The type of light, the distance it has to travel and the substance that it passes through.

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It is the spectrum of visible light, which has the colors of the rainbow.

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There are many objects that no light can pass through, although of course, it depends on what type of light you're talking about. The name of the type of object that visible light cannot pass through is called opaque.

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An opaque object blocks all light from passing through, as it does not allow light to pass through due to its composition and structure. Examples include wood, metal, and thick plastics.

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measures the amount of light of a specificed wavelength which passes through a medium Type your answer here...

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Frosted glass is a type of material that partly scatters light, making objects difficult to see clearly through it. This is due to its rough and textured surface which diffuses the light that passes through.

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The matter that transmits light but scatters it as it passes through is known as a translucent material. This type of material allows some light to pass through but causes it to deviate from its original path due to scattering. Examples of translucent materials include frosted glass, certain plastics, and human skin.

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Why that is no-one knows. But we would not have evolved without eyes sensitive to the type of radiation that passes easily through the atmosphere.

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A Light stereoscope microscope; this type of microscope is used to see three dimensional views of objects too thick to let light pass through.

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A continuous spectrum is produced when white light from the Sun passes through a prism. This spectrum contains all the colors of the rainbow without any distinct lines or bands.