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Two plates can either converge, diverge, or transform.

A convergent boundary is when two plates come together, a divergent boundary is when they move apart, and a transform boundary is when two plates slide against each other in opposite directions.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Divergent Boundary - Slides apart.

Convergent Boundary - Collides.

Transform Boundary - Slips past.

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14y ago

Plates can separate (such as along the mid-Atlantic ridge) they can also collide (for example where the Indian and European plates meet and have formed the Himalayas).

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9y ago

During a divergent plate boundaries, the two plates move away from each other. In convergent plate boundaries the plates move towards each other.

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12y ago

formation of volcanoes occur at sub-ducting plate boundries (when one plate goes under another). Mid-ocean ridge or a trench form at divergent plate boundries (when plates separate).

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13y ago

Divergent, Convergent, and Transform

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Q: What type of movement occurs at each plate boundary?
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What is the type of movement that occurs at each type of plate boundary?

each plate boundary has a different boundaries. if you want the movement for a specific plate boundary, write the name of the plate boundary. :]

What is the movement of diverging?

A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.

What are the different movements of crust?

seafloor spreading occurs when oceans widen and continents separate.convergent plate movements occurs when two plates collide toward each other.divergent plate movement is the moving away of plates from each other.transform plate movement occurs when two plates are sliding horizontally with each other.:)

What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past each without destroying or producing lithosphere?

transform fault boundary

What are the different movements of the earth's crust?

seafloor spreading occurs when oceans widen and continents separate.convergent plate movements occurs when two plates collide toward each other.divergent plate movement is the moving away of plates from each other.transform plate movement occurs when two plates are sliding horizontally with each other.:)

What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move towards each other?

This is called a convergent boundary, because the two plates are converging, or coming together.

The force tension at a divergent plate boundary causes a what?

The force tension at a divergent plate boundary causes the two plates to move away from each other. As the plates separate, magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap, forming new crust. This process is known as seafloor spreading.

What type of plate boundary exists?

divergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move apart from each other. convergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move towards each other so that one plate can sink beneath the other. transform plate boundary- a boundary where one plate slips along side another plate.

What kind of plate boundary occurs in California?

California is a transform plate boundary. That means it is a convergent boundary that is strike-slipping past each plate to release pressure. Near San Francisco area, there is a portion of the Juan De Fuca plate which is subducting under the North American Plate. It has almost completed a total subduction

What is the direction of movement from a divergent boundary?

the direction divergent boundaries move from is away from each other.

What do you call the type of plate movement wherein two plates move from each other and cause the widening of the sea floor?

That happens at a divergent plate boundary

What type of plate boundaries exist today?

divergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move apart from each other. convergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move towards each other so that one plate can sink beneath the other. transform plate boundary- a boundary where one plate slips along side another plate.