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The somatic nervous system regulates skeletal muscle tissue, while the ANS services smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular tissue.

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Q: What type of movement does the autonomic system control?
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What type of movements does the somatic system control?

voluntary movement

What is the type of muscle that is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle (under involuntary control by the autonomic nervous system).

What is is the type of muscle that is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth muscle (under involuntary control by the autonomic nervous system).

What type of reflexes are not subject to conscious control?

Autonomic reflexes

Does the autonomic nervous system may cause activation or inhibitiom depending on the division that is active and the target that is affected?

The autonomic nervous system's neurotransmitter effects is either stimulatory or inhibitoy, depending on the type of the receptors.

What type muscle is the trachea?

The trachea is mostly cartilage, surrounded by smooth muscle, which is an autonomic muscle type, meaning we can't consciously control it

What type of muscle attaches to the skeletal system and allows movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscles attach to the skeleton and allow movement. In contrast, smooth muscles are not under voluntary control.

What division of the autonomic nervous system mediates the reflex release of saliva?

The parasympathetic nervous system stimulates salivary gland secretion, and accelerates peristalsis, so, in keeping with the rest and digest functions, appropriate PNS activity mediates digestion of food and indirectly, the absorption of nutrients. Source: Wikipedia: enteric nervous system is responsible for the pupillary light reflex

What type of muscle is found in the walls of stomach?

The stomach wall has smooth muscle, controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What part of the body is a patient unable to move after the brain is destroyed by a stroke?

Just about any type of sonomic or autonomic muscle. Partial strokes can effect partial movement.

What type of neurotransmitter is involver in control of movement and sensations of pleasure?

D) Dopamine.

A type of body weight exercise that emphasizes control of movement is called?
