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Diverging oceanic plates.

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Q: What type of plate is with a mid ocean ridge?
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What type of plate boundary is in the mid ocean ridge?

It is a divergent boundary

A mid-ocean ridge forms at what type of plate boundary?

A mid-ocean ridge forms at the divergent plate boundary. This boundary initially forms rifts that later on become rift valleys.

What type of plate boundary form a mid ocean ridge?

A mid-ocean ridge forms at the divergent plate boundary. This boundary initially forms rifts that later on become rift valleys.

What is a ridge push?

Ridge push is a geological concept where the force of gravity causes oceanic lithosphere to move downhill from a mid-ocean ridge, pushing tectonic plates away from the ridge. This process contributes to plate motion along with other forces like slab pull and mantle convection.

Does Miyakejima rest on a hot spot a plate boundary or a mid ocean ridge?

o mid ocean ridge

What plate corresponds to the mid ocean ridge?

Oceanic Plate.

What type of fault line is the mid-Atlantic ridge?

The mid-Atlantic ridge is a divergent boundary where tectonic plates are moving apart. It is an example of a constructive plate boundary where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity. This process leads to the continuous separation of the North American and Eurasian plates on one side and the South American and African plates on the other side.

Is mid-ocean ridges the result of plate convergence?

Not at all... Mid-ocean ridge is as a result of plate divergence.

What type of plate boundary creates a mid ocean ridge?

Its either divergent boundary or others

What might you find at the mid ocean ridge?

at the mid-ocean ridge you can find the youngest oceanic plate and a divergent boundary.

What type of boundary occurs most at mid ocean ridge?

The mid-ocean ridge is formed along a divergent or constructive plate boundary between two plates of oceanic crust. A classic example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the Eurasian and African Plates are moving away from the North and South American Plates.