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This is an example of a combination reaction.

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8y ago

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a chemical compound, not a reaction.

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Q: What type of reaction is carbon monoxide?
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Producing carbon monoxide is an axample of what type of reaction?

Carbon monoxide is the product of an incomplete burning.

How do plants absorb carbon monoxide?

Plants do not absorb carbon monoxide (CO). They primarily absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) through tiny openings in their leaves called stomata. CO is a toxic gas that can be harmful to plants if present in high concentrations.

Vehicle emissions devices incorporate a chemical reaction to help control carbon monoxide pollution What effect does adding a catalyst have for this reaction?

It produces more carbon monoxide.

What type of matter must carbon monoxide be?

In standard conditions, carbon monoxide is a gas.

How does helium react with carbon monoxide?

helium has no chemical reaction with carbon dioxide

Is the reaction between carbon and oxygen to form carbon monoxide exothermic?

Yes, the reaction between carbon and oxygen to form carbon monoxide is exothermic. This means that the reaction releases energy in the form of heat as it proceeds.

What poison stops an important reaction in respiration?

carbon monoxide

What reaction is catalysed by a catalytic converter?

Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. Reduction of nitrogen monoxide back to nitrogen. Oxidation of hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide.

Why is the reaction between nitrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide very fast?

The reaction between nitrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide is very fast because it involves the formation of a highly stable and energetically favored product, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Additionally, the reaction proceeds through a lower energy pathway due to the presence of multiple unpaired electrons in the reactant molecules, enhancing the reaction rate.

What is the process called when carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen to make carbon dioxide?

This is a reaction of oxidation.

What type of energy is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is not a type of energy, it is a substance. It contains chemical energy, which is released as heat and light when it burns.

What pure substance can be broken down by heat?

Carbon into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide