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Q: What type of rock does not allow water to pass through?
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What is a name of a rock that does not allow water to pass through?

the type of rock is called a rock that does not allow water to go through it

What is a layer of rock that allow water to flow through?

A porous and permeable rock will allow water to pass through. Rocks layers that allow the flow of water may be described as an aquifer.

What is Impervious concrete?

A layer of rock or soil that does not allow water to pass through it .

What is a layer of rock that allows water to flow through called?

Aquifers are layers of rock that hold a lot of water and allow it to circulate.

Why cant water pass through a solid rock?

Water cannot pass through a solid rock because the rock's structure is tight and does not have spaces for the water to flow through. The pores in the rock are too small for water molecules to move through.

Rock and soil not allowing water to pass through it is called a?

The word to describe a material that does not does not allow the passage of water through it is impermeable. In hydro-geological terms it may also be described as an aquiclude.

Which sediment will allow water to pass through most easily?

sediments made of larger particles will have larger spaces between them, and thus allow greater fluid flow.

Water cannot pass through solid rock because it is?

The rock is impermeable (not porous).

Does a permeable rock let rain pass through it?

Permeable rocks allow for liquid or gases to pass through them. Most rocks are permeable to a certain extent.

Word describing soil or rock through which water cannot pass?

Such soil or rock is 'impervious'.

Water cannot pass through solid rock because?


Why can't Water pass through solid rock?

It isn't porous