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Q: What type of setting does organic limestone form?
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What type of setting formed will you find a deposit of organic limestone?

the ocean

Where did you probably find a deposit of limestone what type of setting did it form in?

Limestone is formed on the floor of ancient seas from the skeletal remains of marine organisms such as coral, forams and molluscs, etc.

Is Kaibab an organic sedimentary rock?

No, Kaibab is not an organic sedimentary rock. It is a type of limestone that was formed through the accumulation of calcium carbonate from marine organisms.

What examples of a sedimentary rock are chalk and coal?

Chalk is a type of limestone. Limestone and coal are both organic sedimentary rocks.

What type of rocks form from the remains of organisms?


A type of organic sedimentary rock made of the mineral calcite and formed largely from the shells of ocean animals?

Any Type Of Limestone

Caverns most commonly form in what type of bedrock?


What type of rock is limestone and how does it form?

i think its a sedimentary rock

What is one type of organic sedimentary rock common in F lorida?

Limestone is one common rock in Florida

What type of rock is Limestone made from Shells?

carbonaceous shells form limestone which in this case is a bio-chemical sedimentary rock

What type of rock is lystone and sandstone?

There is no such ting as "lystone" Sandstone is a sedimentary rock. Limestone is a sedimentary rock of organic origin.

What is the only sedmertary rock type that can be formed from things that were once alive?

The only sedimentary rock type that can be formed from things that were once alive is organic sedimentary rock. It is primarily composed of the remains of plants and animals, such as shells, bones, and plant matter. These organic materials undergo compaction and cementation over time to form rocks like limestone and coal.