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antiport: transports 2 solutes in opposite directions (example: Na/K pump)

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2w ago

Antiporters are transport proteins that facilitate the movement of solute molecules and co-transported solute molecules in opposite directions across a cell membrane. This type of transport is known as antiport or exchange transport.

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Q: What type of transport molecule transports the solute and the co-transported solute in the opposite direction?
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What is the name of the molecule that transports oxygen in red blood cells?

The molecule that transports oxygen in red blood cells is called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is composed of four protein subunits, each containing a heme group that binds to oxygen. This allows red blood cells to carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body.

Which molecule rries or binds oxygen?

The molecule that carries oxygen in the human body is hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues throughout the body.

What is the term for the overall direction of partial negative charge in a molecule having one or more dipoles?

The term for the overall direction of partial negative charge in a molecule with one or more dipoles is "dipole moment." It is a measure of the separation of positive and negative charges within a molecule and indicates the polarity of the molecule.

How many electrons can a NADH molecule carry?

A NADH molecule can carry two electrons. The molecule donates these electrons to the electron transport chain during cellular respiration to generate ATP.

What is the random movement of molecules and ions down their concentration gradient called?

The random movement of molecules and ions down their concentration gradient (meaning from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration) is called simple diffusion. Simple diffusion is related to the magnitude of driving force, permeability of the membrane, and surface area.

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Distinguish between the cotransport antiport and symport?

Cotransport involves the movement of two or more substances across a membrane at the same time using a carrier protein. Antiport is a type of cotransport where the substances move in opposite directions. Symport is a type of cotransport where the substances move in the same direction.

What A symporter will transport across the cell membrane.?

2 different ion or molecule in the same direction

What is the active transport and passive transport?

Active transport is the movement of a substance across a cell membrane against its concentration gradient and Passive transport means moving biochemicals and other atomic or molecular substances across membranes.

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There is a need for glucose inside a cell but the glucose molecule is too large to pass through the cell membrane. How does the cell solve this problem?

It transports the glucose through transport proteins.

There is a need for glucose inside a cell but the glucose molecule is too large to pass through the cell membrane How does the cell solve this problem?

It transports the glucose through transport proteins.

What type of transport requires energy to move molecule?

Active transport requires energy to move a molecule.

What type of transport requires energy move a molecule?

Active transport requires energy to move a molecule.

What molecule transports amino acids to the transcription site?

tRNA, transfer RNA.

How does a cell move a molecule that is too large transport proteins?

Cells may use mechanisms such as endocytosis to engulf and transport large molecules with the help of specialized transport proteins. These transport proteins facilitate the movement of large molecules across the cell membrane by forming vesicles that enclose the molecules and transport them to their destination within the cell. Once inside the cell, the vesicle can fuse with other cellular compartments to release the molecule for further processing or use.

What is it called when transport protein binds with the needed molecule?

passive transport