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Q: What type of wand are there in the show Merlin?
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What type of wood was Merlin's wand?

Some say his wand was made of English Oak but this is not proven.

What goldfield symbol looks like?

A GH on the lithium scale, which can be transformed by interactions after using the wand merlin used to destroy the ice-wraith.

When is Merlin back on?

The show is to be aired in September.

What channel will Merlin show on in the US?


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Has the show Merlin been canceled?

noooooo! new series in September and there will be more after that (Johnny Capps the producer of Merlin told me this)

What was the last tv show Merlin Santana was on?

half and half

What magic is a nectarine wand used for?

A wand is usually made from a type or types of wood. A nectarine is a fruit. I am unaware of any 'nectarine wand'. Perhaps you could elaborate?

What is Severus Snape's wand core?

It was never released what type of wand Snape used.

What networks have shown episodes of Merlin on television?

Merlin, a British TV show about the tales of Prince Arthur and Merlin, was originally broadcasted on BBC One. In America, it has been broadcasted by NBC and Syfy.

What type of wand did Ron Weasley give to Harry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Ron gave Harry the Deluminator, a device that can absorb and later release light, as well as turn off and on nearby lights.