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There are lots of foods that will help lower bad cholesterol. You probably even eat some of them already. The top four cholesterol lowering foods are: 1) High fiber foods 2) Fish 3) Nuts 4) Olive oil.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Many foods can lower your bad cholesterol, but oatmeal, which contains soluble fibers, can greatly reduce your bad cholesterol. Along with that, walnuts and other nuts can also reduce the bad cholesterol in your body.

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12y ago

There are many foods that can lower your cholesterol. You want to try to eat things like oatmeal and granola. Also, many fish, particularly those high in Omega Fatty Acids such as salmon are very good for cholesterol.

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12y ago

Whole grains and Oats, flax seed oil, walnuts, cranberry-grape juice, pomegranate juice, black soybeans are the best foods to help lower bad cholesterol.

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Q: What kind of food will help to lower bad cholesterol?
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Eating the right kind of soup can help lower cholesterol. Avoid soups with cream, red meat, cheese, and any egg products.

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What kind of food helps lower cholesterol?

Oats, beans, barley, fish, soy, apples, grapes, and nuts all help lower it...Foods fortified with sterols and stanols. Sterols and stanols extracted from plants gum up the body's ability to absorb cholesterol from food. Companies are adding them to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate. They're also available as supplements. Getting 2 grams of plant sterols or stanols a day can lower LDL cholesterol by about 10%.

What kind of low cholesterol diet recipes can i recommend to a middle aged man?

To help lower your cholesterol you can eat smaller meals through out the day more frequently and drink a glass of orange juice in the morning. For information regarding specific diet restricting foods follow this link

Where can I find more information on foods that lower cholesterol?

This website is better to know about the human cholesterol level. You can find your cholesterol level s high or low. But min thing is that how to reduce your cholesterol level and my more but using that kind of thing is much easier to help you out from your problem.Cholesterol is a waxy substance your body uses to protect nerves, make cell tissues and produce certain hormones. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. Your body also gets cholesterol directly from the food you eat (such as eggs, meats and dairy products). Too much cholesterol can have negative impacts on your health.

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Exercise can reduce levels of this bad cholesterol?

You can lower your cholesterol by avoiding fatty foods and eating more whole grains, such as cereal and pasta. Any kind of exercise can help control cholesterol but studies have proven the best for lowering are aerobic, jogging and swimming.

Finding Foods That Lower Cholesterol?

Lowering your cholesterol by following a diet that is high in fiber and low in saturated fat is possible in most cases. You just need a little dedication and a knowledge of what to look for in a good cholesterol-lowering food. Follow these three simple tips to find foods that can lower your cholesterol level without spending all day in the health food store.No more processingAvoid processed foods at all costs, eating as many natural, whole foods as possible. Fruits and vegetables are high in soluble fiber, the kind of fiber that is particularly good at absorbing the cholesterol out of your bloodstream. Eat fresh produce whenever possible. Eat plenty of unprocessed and minimally-processed whole grains for the same reason. Rolled oats are better than quick oats and brown rice is much better than white rice.Including some processed foods like cold cereal and bread in your diet is okay as long as these products are made with whole grains and few preservatives. Make sure the first ingredient is a whole grain, not just an enriched one. Eat lean meatsEating protein in moderate quantities can help you lower your cholesterol because it keeps you full and away from those snack foods. Choose only lean meats because fatty ones are loaded with saturated fat, the kind of fat that is terrible for your heart. Pork loin and chicken breasts are the best choices.Say yes to nuts and seedsNuts and seeds are high in calories and fat, so many assume they are bad for those on a diet. However, these foods actually contain a kind of fat called unsaturated fat, which when consumed in moderate quantities can help lower your cholesterol. Try to include one serving each day. Good choices are pumpkin seeds, almonds and peanuts.Finding foods that help lower your cholesterol is simple once you know what to look for. Remember to eat foods that are processed as little as possible and avoid fatty meats for the best results.

What is the job for the cholesterol?

well it depends which kind of cholesterol you are talking about there is good cholesterol and bad cholestral, the fatty fats and the healthy fat

my husbands cholesterol is over 500 and we have changed to veggies and protein and juicing will this help?

better be hunting a new husband How high for non hdl chol. Veggies are a good part of the diet, but my advice is to ditch the carbs (esp. wheat) like potatoes and chips and processed junk food. Eat plenty of protein and saturated fats and watch the cholesterol normalize. I'm not kidding! Triglycerides are made from carbohydrates, not fats. It depends on what kind of protein you are consuming. If your protein is plant-based, you need not worry, but if is animal-based, I would be concerned. Our bodies produce its own cholesterol; in the quantities that we need, any cholesterol that we add that is animal-based will cause our cholesterol levels to increase. Cardiovascular excersise is critical I heard from friends that chia seeds help lower cholesterol. Boil it , drink it and incorporate the seeds in all your drinks. My friend's husband passed his cholesterol test( pre approval) for insurance because of taking chia seeds for 1 wk. what makes your bowels white Sign and Symptom

What kind of food should one be eat for the low cholesterol diets?

The best diet that can implemented to reduce the cholesterol levels are like Oatmeal, Fish, Almonds, Walnuts, Olive Oil and foods with added plant sterols or stanols.