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MESSAGE AND EXERCISE Down-stroking. As soon after surgery as your surgeon gives permission, (usually three to four days), you will want to start massaging your chin and neck area. Gather the skin gently, stroking it with a downward, soothing motion towards your heart. Circular massage. Another easy massaging technique is to stroke the area in which Liposuction has been performed with a smooth, circular motion, tracing small circles on your skin with the tips of your fingers. The pattern should be repeated until you have covered the entire area. You can do this massage a number of times a day. Pinch/release. Another massage you can use after liposuction of the face, chin, or neck is to pinch your skin gently and, after a slow count to five, release it. Grasp as much of your skin in the chin/neck area as you can comfortably hold between your thumb and one or two fingers. Full it gently away from your body. Count slowly to five. Release the skin. Then repeat the pinch/release motions in another spot. Your surgeon will tell you how soon after surgery you can begin this massage. in general, in my opinion, a week after liposuction is the appropriate time to start. The pinch/release massage helps to reduce the inflammatory reaction by improving circulation. It stimulates the flow of blood, thereby aiding healing. Gradually increase the time of massage-starting with one or two minutes at a time, and working up to five minutes or so. Do this about 10 times a day. It will help blood circulation and speed the healing process. Do not be afraid to touch the area in which liposuction has been performed. It may be slightly numb at first, or even a bit tingly, like a foot that's gone to sleep, but that sensation will gradually go away. 1. Facial grimaces. Within three or four days after surgery, or as soon as your physician tells you it is all right to do so, begin practicing facial grimaces. In addition to smiling frequently, deliberately distort your facial features by twisting your mouth and jaw into strange contortions. When you first begin, doing these movements in front of a mirror may help you. As you become more confident and less self-conscious about them, you can grimace while you are driving a car, doing household chores, or whenever you have a few moments. These exercises can be done many times a day. The reason for grimacing is that it helps pull up the muscles in the face, chin, and neck area, thereby tightening your skin after liposuction, and helping you to heal faster and more attractively. 2. Neck extension. An easy exercise that will benefit the face, chin, and neck area is to extend your neck. Bring your head down towards your chest. Then, slowly bring it back up again to a normal position. Continue the motion backwards, until you are looking up at the wall or a portion of the ceiling, with your chin pointing up and your head tilted backwards. Next, return to your normal position, and begin again. Do not perform this exercise hurriedly or with a jerky motion. Instead, concentrate on doing it smoothly and gently. You will find it helps avoid undesirable adhesions, and stretches the skin gently, keeping it pliant and supple. 3. Neck rotation. With a smooth, unhurried motion, turn your face and neck from side to side as far as you can go. You are stretching your skin and your underlying tissues. At first, soon after surgery, your range of motion may be somewhat limited; as the healing process continues, and as you practice this exercise, you will gradually be able to move your neck farther in each direction. copyright-dr.leon tcheupdjian/liposuction 1. Front facial view shows key areas of facial musculature. copyright-dr.leon tcheupdjian/liposuction 2. Side facial view shows where key masculine areas appear in profile. copyright-dr.leon tcheupdjian/liposuction 3. The arrow indicates the location from which the liposuction proceeds copyright-dr.leon tcheupdjian/liposuction 4. The cervicomental angle is the area under the chin. 5. With fat removed, the patient's profile has a normal contour.

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To have liposuction performed, one should always go to an accredited plastic surgeon who specializes in liposuction. It is a surgery that can have dire consequences, even death, if it is performed wrong. Ask your doctor for recommendations.

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You can find a good Dallas lipo doctor at 9101 N. Central Expressway Suite 600. The doctor's name is Dr. Steve Byrd and he has had a lot of training with liposuction plastic surgery.

Can someone name the risks of Liposuction?

"There are several risks of Liposuction. Some risks would include off balance skin from your normal usual kind, infections, bleeding, scarring, obesity, and damage to internal organs."