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There are different types of punctuation such as periods, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, quotation marks, apostrophe's, colons, semicolons, hyphens, parentheses, and a few others.

Period (.)

comma (,)

exclamation mark (!)

question mark (?)

quotation mark (")

apostrophe (')

colon (:)

semicolon (;)

hyphen (-)

parenthesis ([])

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11y ago
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11y ago

14 p


n marks i

n E

nglish grammar


1. Period ( . )

2. Ellipses (...)

3. Comma ( , )

4. Semicolo

n ( ; )

5. Apostrophe ( ' )

6. Dash ( --- )

7. Hype

n ( - )

8-9. Quotatio

n Marks (" " ) a

nd ( ' ')

10. Italics

Example: Ca

n you spellwo


11. Pare

ntheses ( )

12. Brackets [ ]

13. Colo

n ( : )

14. Slash ( / )

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8y ago

Punctuation can include:

  1. period .
  2. comma ,
  3. exclamation point !
  4. question mark ?
  5. colon :
  6. semi-colon ;
  7. hyphen -
  8. dash -- (unbroken line longer than a hyphen)
  9. apostrophe '
  10. single quotes ' '
  11. double quotes " "

These can be mixed appropriately in sentence structure.

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How many rules are there for the punctuation?

14 types

Periods questions marks and exclamations points are all types of?

They are all types of punctuation.

What are the ten types of punctuation?

There are more. , ? ! ' - / : ; () nevermind there's only 10

What are the parts and types of punctuation that belong in business letter?

All of the above APEX>>:)

What two types of punctuation are most similar in a sentence?

E2020 Topic Test B.

Why does WikiAnswers hate punctuation?

WikiAnswers does not hate punctuation. For software reasons, we can't yet allow some types of punctuation in questions... and of course, not all of our users know how to use punctuation appropriately, but we still want them to be able to contribute. Anyone who would like to jump in and help correct punctuation or spelling... or anything else, is more than welcome. :)

What is the difference in punctuation between an adjective clause and an adverb clause?

Both types of clauses use the same type of punctuation, which depends on where they are in the sentence, how long they are, and whether there is some reason to set them off with particular punctuation (dashes, parentheses, semicolons, commas).

What are the four types of sentences and what end punctuation does each type of sentences take?

tu madre

Does a colon come before a punctuation or after a punctuation?

before a punctuation.

Difference between open and mixed punctuation?

open punctuation is used in types of business letters. In a business letter you may address the letter, but instead of putting somthing like San Diego, California, you would put SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA. there is no puctuation used in the address and it is in all caps.

Is full punctuation a type of punctuation?

It's not a specific punctuation mark. It refers to using full (all) punctuation marks where necessary.

What does closed punctuation mean?

a close punctuation means a punctuation at the end of each sentence