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What type of rock or minerals are NOT good to build a house

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Q: What types of rocks are not good for building stones?
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Why is the rock granite a good example for the phrase minerals are the building blocks of rocks?

Granite contains many minerals and minerals are the 'true' building blocks of rocks

What is stone used for?

We use stone mostly as a building material, to pave floor, build walls, etc. Some particular types of stone have special uses. Flint is good for making sparks (in cigarette lighters) and marble is good for carving statues. Some stones are decorative. Jewels are precious stones.

What type of gemstone is cut and polished?

transparent, hard, good color, these types of stones are cut and polished and then they become gemstones from normal stones

What products are made from lava?

Lava makes many rocks that are very fertile with minerals that plants need, and the land around volcanoes is rich and fertile and is very good to be used for farming. Lava rocks (extrusive igneous rocks) make useful road building materials as aggregates, and can be cut and polished for use as a decorative stone inside buildings. Pumice is used as landscaping rock and as an abrasive in cleaning products and some polishing compounds. In less recent history, lava rocks were used as building materials, grinding stones, toolmaking, and weapon construction.

Why are metamorphic rocks good building materials?

They are normally hard and durable, and resistant to weathering and erosion.

Why Metamorphic rocks are good as building materials?

They are normally hard and durable, and resistant to weathering and erosion.

Can light travel through a stone?

Yes, some light can travel through certain types of stones, but the amount of light that is able to pass through will depend on the properties of the stone. Opaque stones such as granite or marble will block most light, while translucent stones like onyx or alabaster will allow some light to pass through.

What do rocks contain that are so good for the soil?

Rocks contain several nutrients including potassium, magnesium, and iron. Pumice stones, which are best for the soil, also contain copper, calcium, and manganese which enrich the soil. Igneous rocks are able to hold in moisture that is beneficial to the soil and releases it as needed.

Are skipping stones made from sedimentary rocks?

You can find "skipping stones" from any of the classic rock formations: sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic, and mineral. The only criterion is a good skipping stone needs to be round and a thickness much thinner than the width and height.

Can recurrent urinary infections cause kidney stones?

There are different types of kidney stones, and one is the result of infection in the kidney. Yes, recurrent infections can help to cause this type of kidney stone. The stone may also harbor infection that causes frequent recurrence.

What types of stones are most likely to contain fossils?

There are three basic types of rock; sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed by volcanic action and don't contain fossils. Sedimentary rocks are formed, usually under water, by eroded material accumulating. Metamorphic rocks are formed when sedimentary rocks are changed by heating and/or pressure. From this, you can see that sedimentary rocks are the most likely to contain fossils, although metamorphic rocks also can contain fossils. Any sedimentary rock can contain fossils, but some make fossil hunting easier. Shales and mudstones are particularly good; chalk is pretty much entirely made of fossils - it's formed of skeletons of small organisms, but its difficult to see the individual fossils.

What is romanias number 1 nautral recource?

First, I think to the soil, good for agriculture; also the salt, methan gas, building rocks.