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Bernard is upset by the traditional customs and culture of the Savage Reservation, which contrast sharply with the technological and materialistic society he is used to in the World State. He is also disturbed by the poverty, disease, and suffering he witnesses among the people on the reservation. Lastly, he feels alienated and out of place, unable to connect with the people or the lifestyle on the reservation.

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Q: What upsets Bernard when he is at the reservation brave new world?
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What happens to Bernard and Helmholtz in chapter 16 on Brave New World?

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Where do Bernard Marx and Lenine Crowne plan to visit in brave new world?

The Savage Reservation. Lenina decides to accpet Bernard Marx's invitation after discussing Henry with Fanny.

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The Warden is the head of the savage reservation.

In brave new world what does the savage reservation represent?

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What is the religion on the savage reservation?

In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the religion of the "Savage Reservation" is a mixture of Catholicism and indigenous religion, as opposed to the "Fordism" followed by the "civilized world."

What kind of childhood did John have brave new world?

In "Brave New World," John's childhood was spent on the Savage Reservation, where he was isolated from the rest of society and raised by his mother, Linda. The rules and beliefs of the reservation greatly influenced John's upbringing and shaped his unique perspectives on life.

Who were helmholtz and bernard in Brave new world?

Bernard Marx was an Alpha Plus Psychiatrist that was rejected by his own society because he was considered weird fro spending time alone and he was also too short for a alpha plus. He dated Lenina and together they go to The reservation to meet John. Helmholtz is a friend of Bernard. He is a propaganda writer. Being conditioned in the brave new world society, he still dislikes the ideas that the World State expresses. He wrote a poem which is dangerous in the World State's mind. He befriends John and together they talk about Shakespeare. - There is a lot more to these characters, but I won't give away the ending of the story for you.

Where did john receive his education in Brave New World?

In "Brave New World," John was born and raised on the Savage Reservation, where he did not receive a formal education. He learned about the world through his own observations and experiences in the tribal community.

Who is Ariel from the book brave new world?

BErnard Marxx.... she realizes the unfairness and flaws of the society