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Rockets heading to space. Most newer military fighter jets. The Concorde jet. A very fast car made from a jet airplane.

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Q: What vehicles has broken the sound barrier?
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What kinds vehicles have broken the sound barrier and in what years?

car nd plane

Can you break the sound barrier on fs2004?

Yes, depending on which aircraft you have but there is no indication that you have broken the sound barrier unfortunately.

What was the first car to break the sound barrier?

To the best of my knowledge, the sound barrier has never been broken by an automobile.

How can the sound barrier be broken without a plane?

With a whip...

What happens when a sound barrier is broken?

Well it creates a sonic boom.

What is the speed that the sound barrier can be broken at?

Approximately 720 miles per hour

What date did Chuck Yeager fly at the speed of sound?

The sound barrier was first broken on October 14th, 1947.

Who went faster then the speed of sound in a car?

I don't believe anyone has broken the sound barrier on land yet.

What happens when Concorde plane flies faster than speed of sound?

its simple the sound barrier is broken :D

Has anyone ever crossed the sound barrier?

On foot? No. But the sound barrier has been passed in land and air vehicles. The sound barrier is also known as Mach 1, so anytime you hear mention of a vehicle travelling at a speed greater than or equal to Mach 1, or travelling at "supersonic" speeds, it's passed the sound barrier.

When was the sound barrier broken in the air?

A sonic boom is created, basically a hole in the atmosphere

Is sonics speed real?

Yes. Some vehicles such as the ThrustSSC can go faster than the speed of sound, breaking the sound barrier causing the "sonic boom."