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Sunspots and convection cells

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Q: What visible evidence do you have that the sun has a convection zone?
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In which layer of the sun is energy transferred between atoms?

In the convection Zone!

What is the layer of the sun through which energy travels by convection from the radiative zone to the atmosphere?

From the Sun's core, energy moves through the radiative zone, across the tachocline (transition layer) to the convective zone, and then to the outer convective zone with its visible granulation.

Define the sun's convection zone?

A region of turbulent plasma between the suns core and its visible photosphere at the surface, through which energy is transferred by convection. In the convection zone, hot plasma rises, cools as it nears the surface, and falls to be heated and rise again.

What is convective zone?

A convection zone is the final process of the sun's radius. Energy from the sun is carried outward to the surface by convection currents.

Layer that surrounds the radiation zone of the sun?

convection zone

What are the layers of the sun and what occurs in each?

The sun has many different layers that make up the sun: Core Radiation Zone Convection Zone Photosphere- sunspots Chromosphere Transition Region Corona The Core is the layer that stores all of the sun's energy. The Radiation Zone transfers the energy that the Core passes. The Convection Zone carries the sun's energy to the surface. The Photosphere is the visible surface of the sun. The Chromosphere is a thin surface above the Photosphere. The Corona is the sun's atmospheric layer.

What does the convection zone of the sun surround?

The convention zone of the sun surrounds heaven, eh.

What are the layers of the sun and what occurs in each layer?

The sun has many different layers that make up the sun: Core Radiation Zone Convection Zone Photosphere- sunspots Chromosphere Transition Region Corona The Core is the layer that stores all of the sun's energy. The Radiation Zone transfers the energy that the Core passes. The Convection Zone carries the sun's energy to the surface. The Photosphere is the visible surface of the sun. The Chromosphere is a thin surface above the Photosphere. The Corona is the sun's atmospheric layer.

In which region of the Sun does energy move as waves that transfer from atom to atom photosphere corona core radiative zone chromosphere convective zone?

The portion of the sun in which energy moves from atom to atom in the form of waves is called the?

The zone of the sun where gases circulate?


What color is the convection zone of the sun?


What is a interior layers of sun?

They are the Convection Zone, Radiative Zone, then the Core.